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Ferdinand Magellan By Haley Farrell December 2008.

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2 Ferdinand Magellan By Haley Farrell December 2008

3 life spane and how he died Ferdinand Magellan was born in Porchical in 1480 was killed on a spice island along the coast of Asia on April 26, 1521.

4 How he traveld and how it was funded. he wanted to go sailing but he didn't know how to fund it so he went to the queen and asked her if she would fund his v oyage so she said she would do it if he found a fue people to help out. so he went to the Portugal army and they said they would help him out so he went back to the queen and told her he had got the army so after a fuw rules were made he set out on his voyage. He sailed from Porchical to Asia his journy covered over 25,000 miles whill he was there he discovered spice islands so he explored some of the islands but not all and went back to Porchical and told the queen about his discovery and she wanted him to go back and see what he can find and she wanted him to have a strong crew. so she got a cople of people to pitch in and when other people hered about it they wanted join too. One of his most loyal crew worker was Antonio Pigafetta and he was “ the most loyal pirson and he was one of the only ones I could trust.” ferdinand magellan quoted as the set out to discover what are on the Islands and he wanted to do this “And I an going to do it till the very end.”

5 Interesting facts andwhat they found when they got there. Lived on a farm. Sept 1519, 270 men set sail from Spain in five small wooden ships. 1512 he went to fight in Morocco. In 1504 he was 25 years old he manged to join the military. Ferdinand tried to find spice islands Found many that other people never found.

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