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Supporting Comprehension through Text-Based Discussion EDC423.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Comprehension through Text-Based Discussion EDC423."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Comprehension through Text-Based Discussion EDC423

2 Goals for Understanding ► The important parts of planning for a text-based discussion  Text analysis  Setting learning goals ► The kinds of questions and responses to students that support students in building a robust mental representation of a text ► How to apply a scheme for planning, conducting, and evaluating text-based discussions ► How to assess whether students actually learned what you set out in your learning goals

3 The Architecture of a Text-Based Discussion

4  Select the text  Analyze the text  Identify learning goals  Segment the text  Plan out initial questions The Plan

5 The Discussion ► Launch  Question/activity/comment  Use of time  Use of voice/gesture/text ► Support student interactions with the text  Use of plan  Question asking  Responding to students ► Exit  Assessment  Transitioning

6 Quality Questions… ► Lead students to make connections  So what’s this about pheromones, food, and a chemical trail? ► Focus student thinking on specific information in a text  So now we start to find out more about the dance. What do we find out?  The author told us a lot about pheromones here. What did we find out about them?  “The males can’t help themselves.” What does that mean?  There’s a lot of information in that long section, but what do you think the most important ideas are? What do you think the author wants us to understand from this part?

7 Quality Questions… ► Elicit explanation  How would that work? ► Support students in making inferences  Why do you think Lee is acting this way? What is she trying to do? ► Get at the big ideas  Why did scientists invent a robot bee?

8 Quality Responses to Student Comments… ► Connect student ideas, weave them together  You have given us such good examples of how the ants release the pheromone. Putting them together lets us understand how that works very well now. ► Revoice student ideas, or pick the important ideas and suggest what students were trying to say  It seems as if you’re talking about the robot as if it were a little bee. Is that what you mean? ► Bring students back into the text to reread and talk about what that part of the text is about

9 Quality Responses to Student Comments… ► Bring students back into the text to reread and talk about what that part of the text is about ► Acknowledge and use important student comments and ideas  That’s a very important idea. Let’s remember that. ► Encourage students to explain, elaborate, and provide reasons for their thinking  Tell us more about that. What makes you think that way? ► Provide additional information that is not in the text, but could help students in comprehending the text  There’s no information in the text that explains how this works, so I had to look up some facts about how the dance is really done.

10 Unproductive Moves ► Asking students about personal experiences related to the text ► Asking students to predict ► Repeating verbatim student contributions ► Collecting a series of student responses to one question without building connections ► Over-relying on questions that ask students to retrieve or remember information in the text ► Asking students to guess at the meaning of a word, instead of providing a quick definition

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