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Salt & Light SW Region Leadership Development Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Salt & Light SW Region Leadership Development Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salt & Light SW Region Leadership Development Programme

2 Each Session 1. A Theme: Presentation, Interaction, Reflection 2. Group Time: Conversation, Encouragement Practical activity and Accountability 3. Assignment: Follow up activities and study

3 God’s Word Leadership Influence Knowing God

4 Integrity “Habits congruent with values, words consistent with deeds, expressions in harmony with feelings”

5 This Session Knowing God Being a worshipper Leading Worship and the Presence of God (Julian) Group Discussion Worship and Prayer

6 Julian

7 Practical Research Study a Bible character (or two) who function(s) as a leader Read their story and consider their character, integrity and leadership qualities Report back your findings to your group next time

8 Group Discussion Which Biblical leader(s) did you think about? What did you note of their character and giftedness? Discuss their integrity, strengths and/or weaknesses.

9 Group Discussion How do we feel about our own responsibilities in the light of these Bible characters? What might I benefit from if my leadership is to develop further?

10 Encouragement!

11 Encouragement! through A mentor A coach A “spiritual director” A personal pastor

12 Set…. Parameters Expectations Timescales

13 Practical Activity Think about who (one or two) God might have you approach as a personal encourager/mentor/coach. Refer your thoughts to your church leadership Be ready to discuss progress next time.

14 Practical Activity “Courageous Leadership” - Bill Hybels Chapters 10 and 11 “Sacred Pathways” - Gary Thomas Reflect further on your personal worship style preference

15 Now we express our worship and enjoy God’s presence together

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