BubbleGum By : James Thomas Ball II. Three facts about bubblegum The largest piece of gum ever was equal to 10,000 pieces of chewing gum! Why is bubble.

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Presentation on theme: "BubbleGum By : James Thomas Ball II. Three facts about bubblegum The largest piece of gum ever was equal to 10,000 pieces of chewing gum! Why is bubble."— Presentation transcript:

1 BubbleGum By : James Thomas Ball II

2 Three facts about bubblegum The largest piece of gum ever was equal to 10,000 pieces of chewing gum! Why is bubble gum pink? The color of the first successful bubble gum was pink because it was the only color the inventor had left. The color stuck and today bubble gum is still pink. Chewing bubble gum is said to keep you from crying

3 How gum became In 1928, bubble gum was invented by a man named Walter E. Diemer. Here's what Walter Diemer, the inventor himself, said about it just a year or two before he died: "It was an accident”.

4 What’s in Bubble gum The basic ingredients are: gum base, softeners, sweeteners and flavorings. The ingredient that makes your gum chewable is gum base. Gum base is the main ingredient in modern chewing gum.

5 The top 10 favorite gum Stride Trident Extra 5 Gum Orbit Hubba Bubba Max Dubble Bubble Trident Layers Ice Breakers Ice Cubes Extra Desserts

6 Old fashion gum

7 Weird flavors

8 How to blow a bubble Buy some bubblegum Chew the bubblegum until it is soft and smooth. Roll the gum into a ball with your tongue push through this flattened piece of gum with your tongue. Keep pushing until your tongue is covered by a thin, stretched layer of bubblegum. Blow gently so you can feel the air begin to fill the gum and start to push the gum out of your mouth in a bubble shape. Keep blowing. Keep blowing as long as you can, or until the bubble bursts

9 Places to buy find bubble gum At your favorite candy store

10 How to make gum https://www.yo utube.com/watch?v=WB3st6SQnsk

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