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THE RANCH Children Ministry - Junior Assistant Training.

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1 CHURCH @ THE RANCH Children Ministry - Junior Assistant Training

2 WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO SERVE? “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13 “The greatest among you will be your servant.” Matthew 23:11 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 The words "servant, " "service, " and "serve, " in various forms, occur well over 1, 100 times in the New International Version. People are servants of other human beings or servants of God. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for servant, ebed, contains at least two key ingredients: action (the servant as "worker") and obedience.

3 BECOMING A JUNIOR ASSISTANT Attend a Sunday in Children Ministry Elementary and observe the youth volunteers. Complete a Youth Volunteer Application (If you are already a youth volunteer but have not completed an application please fill one out for our records.) Meet with the Children Pastors Meet the Children Ministry Teachers Meet the other youth volunteers Attend a Junior Assistant Training

4 Children Ministry Mission and Vision To reach, teach, disciple and draw every child into the immense Love of Jesus Christ. We envision children free from spiritual bondage, filled with the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit, and on fire, living out the fullness of the Christian Gospel through Jesus Christ. A question to ask yourself when serving... “How does my choice (action/attitude) impact the vision and mission for the children attending Church @ the Ranch?

5 Reasons to Serve.. and NOT to serve in Children Ministry To Serve: love children are important to God Jesus ministered to children serving brings Glory to God serving the church builds humility in character NOT to serve Dating connections Girlfriend / Boyfriend Gossip NOT attend Sunday Church

6 Junior Helper Responsibilities: In the Classroom: Helping the teacher setting up and tearing down Helping the teacher with activities Being attentive and Providing one-on-one help to kids Setting up snacks for the kids Keeping the room clean and toys clean Giving extra attention to children with special needs Participating in the class (being an example for the kids to follow) Receiving kids into the classroom and checking them out at the end of class. taking children to the restroom

7 Junior Helper Responsibilities: In the registration table: Helping the teacher setting up and tearing down Being amiable when helping parents with sign up connecting with children as they wait for the parent to sign them up. returning the sign up list to the classroom teacher.

8 Junior Helper Responsibilities: In leading a Game or Activity: If you have the responsibility of a game or activity be prepared. You will be emailed in advance if you will be leading an activity or game. You may be given an example of how to do an activity but you can change the way it is presented and how it is presented. Be confident of your gifts - WE LOVE to see you apply your gifts! If you have an idea for a different game or activity share it with a teacher or Children's Pastor

9 Junior Helper Do's and Do not's Do participate in class (this encourages younger children to participate) answer questions, take part in games, offer help, encourage children to pay attention. Don't behave like a little child that the teacher has to supervise and correct Do communicate with the teacher and the other youth helpers serving with you. Don't start off side conversations which are disruptive to the class. This includes: helper with helper private conversations, phone talk, texting. ***ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE NOT TO BE USED IN THE CLASSROOM****

10 Junior Helper Do's and Do not's... Do sit next to kids Do not sit on the floor, back against the teacher or back against the wall. Do prepare a snack for you also when getting the snacks ready for the kids. Do not eat a kid's snack Do memorize the Memory Verse Do not by shy to at least try to repeat the memory verse Do help the teacher with clean up Do NOT run away or disappear at the end of the class.

11 Do share your ideas with teachers, youth helpers and Children's Pastor Do communicate when you need prayer or help with anything. We are ONE team and are here for you - whether in the church or outside of the church. Do be involved Do ask for help when needed Do offer help Do communicate with the Children's Pastor through email, mail, phone or text. Do involve your parents in all that you do! DO HAVE FUN AND BE FILLED WITH JOY WHEN SERVING!

12 OTHER ITEMS... the schedule is sent out every three months via email. please provide the email for your parents as well - this way they can be aware of your serving dates and fellowships.

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