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Written by Sam Raaj and Marisa Farquharson.  What is Chinese New Year? Chinese new year is a Chinese festival to celebrate new year. It is a worldwide.

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Presentation on theme: "Written by Sam Raaj and Marisa Farquharson.  What is Chinese New Year? Chinese new year is a Chinese festival to celebrate new year. It is a worldwide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Written by Sam Raaj and Marisa Farquharson

2  What is Chinese New Year? Chinese new year is a Chinese festival to celebrate new year. It is a worldwide event and is very colourful event. Lots of people take part in this event.

3   The Chinese Dragon is known to be the strongest zodiac sign. Chinese legends(dating back to 300 ad) has said that there had been a dragon that attacked the Chinese villages. This, is the story known to be the Chinese New Year event. Chinese legends say that the dragon is still alive and hiding. Chinese Dragon!!

4  Chinese zodiac!!

5   The most common Chinese food is known to be noodles. It has been around for more than 4 millennium(4000 years). It is a common south east dish and is mostly eaten using chopsticks. Chinese food!

6 Chinese shops near you! If your in or near Manchester, I must confess that you go to china town. It is in the town centre. The post code is, Faulkner St, Manchester M1 4EE.

7   It is unclear when the exact beginning of the New Year celebration in China is. Normally, it was said to start from the year end religious ceremony during the Shang Dynasty (1766 BC - 1122 BC). A few believe that it started from as early as Emperor Yao and Shun (~2300 BC). At the beginning, the date of celebration varied from mid-winter to early spring. With the maturity of the solar base calendar, Emperor Wu (157 BC - 87 BC) of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220), established the first day of the first month as the beginning of the year, where it remains. How did Chinese new year start!

8   Ferghana horse, also called sweats blood horse in Chinese, is one of China’s earliest major imports. It is native to Turkmenistan and during Han Dynasty (25AD- 220AD), it was brought back to China by Zhang Qian’s diplomatic mission. Since then, it became the bonded mount for Chinese ancient emperors. They loved it because it was well-figured and understanding. They even said it as horse from heaven.  As the horses sweat blood when they are running, they were given the Chinese name Han Xue Horse (meaning sweats blood horse). They can run fast for long hours and can even reach 4300 kilometers in only 43 days. Therefore, they are commonly used for long-distance rides and horse-jumping moves. Chinese Legends! Sweat blood horse

9 Thank you for reading and seeing our PowerPoint. Thank you!

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