Www.cafod.org.uk Syria: the ongoing crisis Illustrated by the children of Syria.

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1 www.cafod.org.uk Syria: the ongoing crisis Illustrated by the children of Syria

2 More than five million people have been driven from their homes. That’s the same number of people who live in Wales, Birmingham and Manchester. In Syria, there is still fighting between the government and people who disagree with them. Millions of people do not have enough food, water or healthcare.

3 CAFOD supporters have raised more than £1.8 million to help the people of Syria, so we have been able to help thousands of people.

4 Because CAFOD is part of the global Catholic Church, we can provide help through churches inside Syria. Few other agencies can work in Syria. Our partners provide supplies, like food and medicine, and help people to find safe places to stay.

5 Every day 6,000 people flee from Syria to nearby countries. We are helping refugees in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan to find food, medical support, clothes and safe places to stay. Many also need help to cope with the terrible fighting they have seen.

6 In Turkey, our partner gave coloured pencils and paper to some of the Syrian children. Many drew pictures of war.

7 One father said: “The children saw and experienced terrible things so it is good for them to come here. It’s a good opportunity to play with other children because they have not had an easy time.”

8 “I really miss my school in Syria and I miss all my friends. I was good at school but I had to leave it. But I really like playing with the other children. The toys here are really good!” Abdallah, 8

9 Here in Turkey, in a safe place, surrounded by friends, some children are starting to draw happier pictures.


11 After fleeing to Jordan, Rahaf’s family heard that their house had been burned down. She and her family were helped by CAFOD partner, Caritas Jordan.

12 Now Rahaf helps others: “Here in Caritas, I felt the spirit of love. I felt their mission and it was close to my heart... I just want to help Syrians, especially the children.”

13 Generous people like Rahaf make a real difference. But the need is still great. Let’s keep the people of Syria in our prayers and remind our MPs that we need to help them.

14 www.cafod.org.uk Photo credits: Caritas International O God of peace, You are peace itself. Your ways cannot be understood when we are caught up in violence or engaged in conflict. Grant that those who are one in heart may persevere in what is good and that those in conflict may forget evil and so be healed. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us! (Pope Francis’ prayer for Syria, adapted for young people)

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