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+ PSD, 11/5/15. + CELEBRATING WeBro SUCCESS! + WHAT DOES OUR DATA SHOW? Category % Score Curricular Areas to Build Capacity Key Ideas and Details74%Liberal.

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1 + PSD, 11/5/15


3 + WHAT DOES OUR DATA SHOW? Category % Score Curricular Areas to Build Capacity Key Ideas and Details74%Liberal & Fine Arts Craft and Structure*69%World Languages & Social Sciences Integration of Knowledge & Ideas* 67%Electives, Sciences, & Math Language and Editing79%CTE, Sciences, & Social Sciences Text-Based Writing71%CTE, Sciences, & Social Sciences

4 + WHAT DO WE KNOW? Grades 9/10 ELA Reading 90 minutes 2 sessions Word range in reading passages: Grade 9: 350-1300 Grade 10: 350-1350 ELA Writing (1 session only) Word range in text-based stimuli (2-4 texts) Grade 9: 1100-1900 Grade 10: 1100-2000 2 types of text-Based writing prompts Informative/explanatory Opinion/argumentative

5 + 5 CATEGORIES TO CONQUER! 1. Key Ideas and Details Cite textual evidence to support inferences/conclusions; analyze components of text 2. Craft and Structure Analyze how word choice affects meaning/tone and how text structures impact the text; P.O.V or purpose* 3. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Evaluate arguments for claims, validity, relevance, and sufficient evidence*

6 + CONTINUING TO CONQUER THE 5 CATEGORIES… 4. Language and Editing Demonstrate command of the conventions of grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling 5. Text-Based Writing Produce clear and coherent writing with development, organization, and style appropriate to task, purpose, and audience; draws from various texts to support a claim or controlling idea

7 +

8 +

9 + ESSENTIAL INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES The best preparation for FSA is to have our students read and grapple with complex texts on a daily basis. This will help them develop the endurance and independence needed to achieve success on all standardized tests. Newsela, ScienceDaily,, & Khan Academy Text dependent questions should inspire close and critical reading. Students should be asking and answering their own and their teachers' moderate and complex questions (DOK 2 & DOK 3). Emphasizing students supporting their answers based on evidence FROM THE TEXT. If it’s not read in the text as evidence to support the answer, it’s not relevant to the question being asked. Writing is a must! Students must be defending their answers, showing greater understanding of concepts and detailed evidence from the text.

10 + THE NEW BOBCAT HIGH 5 ! Chapter Walk-Through Preview text features, make connections, predict, set purpose, and activate prior knowledge. Graphic Organizers Charts, diagrams, graphs, maps (with Summary Statement!) Compare/contrast; cause/effect; process cycle diagram Vocabulary Routine event, scaffolding vocabulary in context; vocabulary notebook, V.I.S., etc. Note-Taking Class discussions and text-based; 2-column notes/Socratic Seminar DOK 2 & 3 DOK2: Summarize, estimate, organize, classify, extend, inferences DOK3: Reasoning and providing relevant evidence from text; probe reasoning, open-ended questions, supporting claims, multiple approaches and solutions

11 + BOBCAT High 5 DOK 2 & 3 Graphic Organizers Chapter Walk-Through Vocabulary Note-Taking


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