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Personal statements. Remember: The statement must reflect your own personality & have your voice You will have to validate what you write in interview.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal statements. Remember: The statement must reflect your own personality & have your voice You will have to validate what you write in interview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal statements

2 Remember: The statement must reflect your own personality & have your voice You will have to validate what you write in interview You must not lie or say you’ve read highfalutin books when you haven’t!

3 Write your statement with your tutor Avoid asking other members of staff for help as you will get conflicting advice Your spelling, punctuation & grammar are important & must be correct

4 What to say Begin with why you want to apply for that course State what your academic strengths are & what units in your A levels you have enjoyed & why Consider your AS results (next September)

5 Be specific about your interests in that course: you should have researched thoroughly what you want to study Remember: not all English/history etc courses will offer the same courses of study. If you’re interested in mediaeval literature, say why

6 Put in what you do in school to help the larger community: toe by toe/CSLA etc Consider your outside interests: universities like to see how you spend your time

7 Be positive & specific Example: I did not gain the results I wanted to at AS but am determined to work hard for my resits to gain the grade I am capable of I tutor maths to a year 7 student after school and really enjoy passing on to him my love of number & pattern.

8 Finally You have to be proud of yourself & say what you can do without sounding arrogant. It may take several drafts to reach your final statement which is a strong & powerful reflection of you.

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