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PUERPERIUM & PUERPERAL SEPSIS.  PUERPERIUM =The time during which: - all the physiological changes of pregnancy is reversed - all the physiological changes.

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Presentation on theme: "PUERPERIUM & PUERPERAL SEPSIS.  PUERPERIUM =The time during which: - all the physiological changes of pregnancy is reversed - all the physiological changes."— Presentation transcript:


2  PUERPERIUM =The time during which: - all the physiological changes of pregnancy is reversed - all the physiological changes of pregnancy is reversed - and the pelvic organs return to their previous state - and the pelvic organs return to their previous state - and endocrine influence of the placenta is removed - and endocrine influence of the placenta is removed ~6 wks(+ 40 days) … 1 st two weeks, the changes are rapid & become slower thereafter. ~6 wks(+ 40 days) … 1 st two weeks, the changes are rapid & become slower thereafter.  Lactation is established  It is a time of physiological and mental adjustment to the new environment with the arrival of a new baby

3  OBJECTIVES OF MEDICAL & NURSING CARE DURING THE PUERPERIUM 1.Monitor physiological changes of puerperium 2.To diagnose and treats any postnatal complications 3.To establish infant feeding 4.To give the mother emotional support 5.To advise about contraception

4 ITHE PELVIC ORGANS: 1. Uterine involution 1. Uterine involution after delivery: uterine fundus palpable at level of umbilicus after delivery: uterine fundus palpable at level of umbilicus 10-14 days later, disappears behind the symphysis pubis. 10-14 days later, disappears behind the symphysis pubis. This process is aided by oxytocin during breast feeding This process is aided by oxytocin during breast feeding Delay in involution = infection or retained products of placenta Delay in involution = infection or retained products of placenta


6 2.THE CERVIX  After delivery: flacid and curtain like  Few days original form & consistency consistency  External os dilated (one finger (weeks—months)  External os dilated (one finger (weeks—months) Internal os is closed to less Internal os is closed to less than one finger by the 2 nd than one finger by the 2 nd week of the puerperium. week of the puerperium.

7 3.THE VAGINA:  1 st few days of puerperium, vaginal wall is smooth, soft and oedmatous  Slight distention return to normal capacity in few days  Episiotomy and tears of vagina and perineum heal well.  Healing is impaired in presence of haematoma or infection

8 4.ENDOMETRIUM CAVITY:  Decidua is cast off as a result of ischemia  lochial flow  Lochia= blood, leucocytes, shreds of decidua and organisms.  Initially; dusky red, fades after one week, clears within 4 weeks of delivery.  New endometrium grows from basal layer of decidua.

9  OTHER SYSTEMS: Bladder & Urethra Bladder & Urethra - Within 2-3 weeks hydroureter and calycial dilatation of pregnancy is much less evident. dilatation of pregnancy is much less evident. - Complete return to normal  6-8 weeks - Diuresis during first day Blood Blood --  Plasma volume --  Plasma volume - Blood clotting factors and platelet count rise after delivery count rise after delivery - Fibrinolytic activity (which occurs during pregnancy) is reversed within 30 during pregnancy) is reversed within 30 min. of placental delivery. min. of placental delivery.

10 COMPLICATIONS OF THE PUERPERIUM SERIOUS AND SOMETIMES FATAL DISORDERS SERIOUS AND SOMETIMES FATAL DISORDERS MAY ARISE DURING THE PUERPERIUM MAY ARISE DURING THE PUERPERIUM I.Thrombosis & Embolism : = One of the main causes of maternal death. II.Puerperal Infection : Puerperial Pyrexia Puerperial Pyrexia = A clinical sign that merits careful investigation. = A clinical sign that merits careful investigation. = A temperature of 38 oC on any occasion in the first 14 days delivery. = A temperature of 38 oC on any occasion in the first 14 days delivery.

11 CAUSES: 1. Urinary tract infection 1. Urinary tract infection 2. Genital tract infection 3. Pelvic / intra-uterine infection infection 4. Breast infection 5. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 6. Respiratory infection 7. Other non-obstetrics causes 8. Surgical wounds e.g. C.S.


13  DX / INVESTIGATION Full Clinical ExaminationFull Clinical Examination MSUMSU Cervical & HVSCervical & HVS Sputum C/S (if possible)Sputum C/S (if possible) & Blood culture MANAGEMENT: After investigation is sent for Start antibiotics if situation warrants Start antibiotics if situation warrants

14 III. MASTITIS : i.Acute intramammary mastitis i.Acute intramammary mastitis = due to failure of milk withdawal from a lobule Rx  breast feeding, cold compress, antibiotics if no improvement within 24 hrs. ii.Infective mastitis : ii.Infective mastitis : = May be due to staph. Aureus Rx. Antibiotics according to sensitivity iii.Breast abscess formation : iii.Breast abscess formation : = Rare but preventable Rx.- Surgical drainage if established. - antibiotics, only if early. - antibiotics, only if early.


16 IV. SECONDARY POSTPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE: = Excessive blood loss from genital tract more than 24 hr and within 6 weeks of delivery Causes Causes i. Retained placental fragments i. Retained placental fragments ii. Blood clots ii. Blood clots ~ Usually within a few days of delivery ~ Usually within a few days of delivery (Commonest between 8-14 days)

17  MANAGEMENT : Mild bleeding observe Mild bleeding observe IV fluid /blood + oxytocic drug IV fluid /blood + oxytocic drug Evacuation of uterus under GA if Evacuation of uterus under GA if - USS suggests presence of - USS suggests presence of retained placental tissue retained placental tissue - Heavy bleeding persists - Heavy bleeding persists - & the uterus is larger than - & the uterus is larger than expected and tender; the cervix is expected and tender; the cervix is open. open. - The infection is treated - The infection is treated appropriately. appropriately.

18 V. PUERPERIAL MENTAL DISORDERS : i.Postnatal blues  anxiety and depression usually at 3 rd and 4 th day usually at 3 rd and 4 th day self limiting self limiting ii.Puerperal Depression pre exiting depression pre exiting depression very traumatic delivery very traumatic delivery iii.Puerperal psychosis iii.Puerperal psychosis  Uncommon, however serious  Uncommon, however serious  ? Due to endocrine changes in puerperium, or are an  ? Due to endocrine changes in puerperium, or are an uncovering of an underlying psychotic tendency at a uncovering of an underlying psychotic tendency at a vulnerable stage. vulnerable stage.  Psychiatrist opinion is needed hence risk of suicide and  Psychiatrist opinion is needed hence risk of suicide and safety of baby are paramount consideration. safety of baby are paramount consideration.  Warning signs : Confusion, restlessness, extreme  Warning signs : Confusion, restlessness, extreme wakefulness, hallucination and delirium wakefulness, hallucination and delirium TREATMENT TREATMENT According to severity According to severity  Observe, discuss, mild sedatives  Observe, discuss, mild sedatives  If severe heavy sedation + transfer to psychiatric ward  If severe heavy sedation + transfer to psychiatric ward


20 CONSUPMTIVE COAGULOPATHY (DIC)  A complication of an identifiable, underlying pathological process against which treatment must be directed to the cause

21 Pregnancy Hypercoagulability   coagulation factors I (fibrinogen), VII, IX, X   plasminogen;  plasmin activity   fibrinopeptide A, b- thromboglobulin, platelet factor 4, fibrinogen

22 Pathological Activation of Coagulation mechanisms  Extrinsic pathway activation by thromboplastin from tissue destruction  Intrinsic pathway activation by collagen and other tissue components  Direct activation of factor X by proteases  Induction of procoagulant activity in lymphocytes, neutrophils or platelets by stimulation with bacterial toxins


24 Significance of Consumptive Coagulopathy  Bleeding  Circulatory obstructionorgan hypoperfusion and ischemic tissue damage  Renal failure, ARDS  Microangiopathic hemolysis

25 Causes  Abruptio placentae (most common cause in obstetrics)  Sever Hemorrhage (Postpartum hge)  Fetal Death and Delayed Delivery >2wks  Amniotic Fluid Embolus  Septicemia

26 Treatment  Identify and treat source of coagulopathy  Correct coagulopathy FFP, cryoprecipitate, plateletsFFP, cryoprecipitate, platelets

27 Fetal Death and Delayed Delivery  Spontaneous labour usually in 2 weeks post fetal death  Maternal coagulation problems < 1 month post fetal death  If retained longer, 25% develop coagulopathy  Consumptive coagulopathy mediated by thromboplastin from dead fetus  tx: correct coagulation defects and delivery

28 Amniotic Fluid Embolus  Complex condition characterized by abrupt onset of hypotension, hypoxia and consumptive coagulopathy  1 in 8000 to 1 in 30 000 pregnancies  “anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy”

29 Amniotic Fluid Embolus  Pathophysiology: brief pulmonary and systemic hypertensiontransient, profound oxygen desaturation (neurological injury in survivors)  secondary phase: lung injury and coagulopathy  Diagnosis is clinical

30 Amniotic Fluid Embolus  Management: supportive

31 Amniotic Fluid Embolus Prognosis:  60% maternal mortality; profound neurological impairment is the rule in survivors  fetal: outcome poor; related to arrest-to- delivery time interval; 70% neonatal survival; with half of survivors having neurological impairment

32 Septicemia  Due to septic abortion, antepartum pyelonephritis, puerperal infection  Endotoxin activates extrinsic clotting mechanism through TNF (tumor necrosis factor)  Treat cause

33 Abortion Coagulation defects from:  Sepsis (Clostridium perfringens highest at Parkland) during instrumental termination of pregnancy  Thromboplastin released from placenta, fetus, decidua or all three (prolonged retention of dead fetus)

34  Thank you.

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