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Walk in work -Get out your completed research packet and annotated articles. -grab a half sheet from the counter. -get out your notebook and turn to your.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk in work -Get out your completed research packet and annotated articles. -grab a half sheet from the counter. -get out your notebook and turn to your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk in work -Get out your completed research packet and annotated articles. -grab a half sheet from the counter. -get out your notebook and turn to your notes from yesterday.

2 What makes a good presentation? 1) In your groups, make a list of at least 3 adjectives that you would use to describe a great presentation. Be as specific as you can. 2) What common mistakes do you see students making when they give longer presentations? How can you avoid those?

3 Your goal Your goal is to present an engaging and informative presentation to the class on your controversial topic. -You are to present BOTH sides of the argument as a group. -You must speak to get a grade above a 1. You need to speak well to get a 3 or 4. (more on that later this week)

4 Powerful presentations What makes his presentations engaging and informative at the same time? What are some strategies and/or tools you could use as a group to determine how, when and what to share?

5 Collaborate! Suggested Plan of Attack SHARE: report out your two articles to your group. ANALYZE: determine your CON claim and your PRO claim for your topic. PRIORITIZE: determine what information you want to share with the class from your groups 6-8 articles. WRITE: write a group script outline

6 SHARE: Report out your two articles. If you did not do your homework over break, you are not to work on it now. It will continue to be homework tonight. You must collaborate with your group. 1) Share the central idea for your first article. 2) Summarize how the author supports their idea. 3) Repeat the process for your other article.

7 ANALYZE Determine your CON claim and your PRO claim for your topic. Consider all of your group member's research. Topic: Computers and technology in motor vehicles. Central ideas: 1) Wifi in vehicles makes road trips more possible for families. 2) Navigation systems have led to many injuries and deaths due to distracted drivers. 3) Hands free calling allows drivers to safely communicate with others. 4) Automatic doors have made bigger cars easier to operate for those with disabilities. Pro: All manufacturers of motor vehicles should be including the latest technology in their vehicles as tools for the passengers and driver. Con: Manufacturers should decrease the amount of distracting technology in their vehicles for the safety of the passengers and the driver.

8 PRIORITIZE Determine what information you want to share with the class from your group’s 6- 8 articles. Go through your individual work and ask yourself these questions: 1) What information do I have that is critical for the PRO and/or CON claim? (highlight, star or mark these) 2) Looking at your group’s new claims what information is in your articles that you didn’t include in your graphic organizer? (highlight, star or mark these)

9 Organize! Pro: All manufacturers of motor vehicles should be including the latest technology in their vehicles as tools for the passengers and driver. Con: Manufacturers should decrease the amount of distracting technology in their vehicles for the safety of the passengers and the driver.

10 Organize! Pro: All manufacturers of motor vehicles should be including the latest technology in their vehicles as tools for the passengers and driver. Con: Manufacturers should decrease the amount of distracting technology in their vehicles for the safety of the passengers and the driver.

11 WRITE You and your group need to decide: 1) How you will organize your ideas (subject by subject? Feature by feature?) 2) Create your outline using the template you chose as your guide. Everyone needs a copy of your script template. 3) Who will say what?

12 Before you leave… -Write your group topic at the top of the post it along with your group member names. -List your PRO claim and your CON claim on the post it. -Divide up your script writing for HW.

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