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Professor Chaos and the Amazing Rainforest A PowerPoint Game by Lindsay Thompson Piedmont College Play the Game Game Directions Story Credits Copyright.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Chaos and the Amazing Rainforest A PowerPoint Game by Lindsay Thompson Piedmont College Play the Game Game Directions Story Credits Copyright."— Presentation transcript:


2 Professor Chaos and the Amazing Rainforest A PowerPoint Game by Lindsay Thompson Piedmont College Play the Game Game Directions Story Credits Copyright Notice Game Preparation Objectives Game Pieces

3 Home Page The Story of the Amazing Rainforest One and a half acres of rainforests are lost every second. Professor Chaos has been working on this case for many months but can’t seem to save the rainforest by himself. Professor Chaos needs you as his assistant. You will be encountering many obstacles along the way, but will be collecting points to help keep the rainforest safe!

4 Home Page Game Directions The goal of the game is to save the rainforest from deforestation! To play the game you have to answer each question correctly to continue helping Professor Chaos save the rainforest. You will begin by answering question #1. For every correct answer you give, you will receive a token, you will then roll the dice to continue moving across the board. For every incorrect answer you give, you will have to move back 2 spaces on the board. If you land on Professor Chaos, you have to go back to the beginning of the board! To win the game you have to be the first person to make it to the end. Once you make it to the end, you have saved the rainforest! Help Professor Chaos by answering the questions correctly!

5 Home Page Game Preparation  Game Board: Print out slides 5-8, cut off the edges, then tape together  Tokens: Print out slide 9  Player cards: Print out slide 11 with players

6 Start Professor Chaos

7 Skip your turn! and the

8 Skip your turn! Finish Amazing

9 Rainforest

10 Home PageGame Directions 12 Time to play “Professor Chaos and the Amazing Rainforest”! 354678 141315 9 16 10 171211 2221 181920 232425

11 Tokens

12 Home Page Game Pieces Professor Chaos Now pick your player!

13 Great! Let’s get started! Home Page

14 Great! Let’s get started! Home Page

15 Great! Let’s get started! Home Page

16 Great! Let’s get started! Home Page

17 Question #1 A Rain Forest is an ecosystem that has a climate that encourages year round growth. A. True B. False

18 Question #2 Most rainforests are NOT near the equator. A. True B. False

19 Question #3 The largest rainforest is in South America; the Congo Rainforest. A.TrueTrue B. False

20 Question #4 The weather of a tropical rainforest is: A. Sunny and dry B. Cold and dark C. Warm and damp D. Hot and dark

21 Question #5 The Yanomammi Indians live in Brazil in small villages. A. True B. False

22 Question #6 Shanmans are: A. teachers B. artists C. preachers D. healers

23 Question #7 The Yanomammi Indian women look after the crops and children. They gather food. A. True B. False

24 Question #8 All of the following live in the canopy of the rainforest EXCEPT: A. anteaters B. rabbits C. butterflies D. sloths

25 Question #9 The Yanomammi Indians live in one big house called a yano. A. True B. False

26 Question #10 The rainforest has an average rainfall of at least ____ inches per year. A. 20 B. 30 C. 45 D. 60

27 Question #11 These layers of the rainforest are the forest floor, the understory, the canopy, and the emergent layer. A. True B. False

28 Question #12 Rainforests spawn and support _____ % of all living organisms A. 20 B. 50 C.45 D. 60

29 Question #13 Rainforests are called “cradles of diversity.” A. True B. False

30 Question #14 The largest unbroken stretch of rainforest is found in the _______ river basin of South America. A. Ganges B. Congo C. Brazil D. Amazon

31 Question #15 The emergent level of the rainforest is the very bottom layer. A. True B. False

32 Question #16 The canopy layer contains the majority of the largest trees, and is between the emergent and understory. A. True B. False

33 Question #17 The understory layer lies between the canopy and forest floor. It is home to a number of birds, snakes and lizards. A. True B. False

34 Question #18 The forest floor, the bottom-most layer, receives only 2 percent of sunlight A. True B. False

35 Question #19 There are 2 types of rainforests; tropical and emergent. A. True B. False

36 Question #20 The Amazon Rainforest covers over a billion acres, encompassing areas in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and the Eastern Andean region of Ecuador and Peru. If Amazonia were a country, it would be the ______ largest in the world. A. 12th B. 6th C. 9th D. 15th

37 Question #21 At least _____% of the developed world's diet originated in the tropical rainforest. A. 35 B. 50 C. 65 D. 80

38 Question #22 _______ percent of the active ingredients in today's cancer-fighting drugs come from organisms found only in the rainforest. A. 10 B. 25 C. 65 D. 70

39 Question #23 A single pond in Brazil can sustain a greater variety of fish than is found in all of Europe's rivers. A. True B. False

40 Question #24 If deforestation continues at current rates, scientists estimate nearly ______ percent of tropical rainforest ecosystems will be destroyed by the year 2020. A. 10-20 B. 30-40 C. 60-70 D. 80-90

41 Question #25 Today the Amazon River is the most voluminous river on Earth, eleven times the volume of the Mississippi, and drains an area equivalent in size to the United States. A. True B. False

42 Correct! Back to the Questions

43 Incorrect! Back to the Questions Move back 2 spaces!!

44 Home Page Credits  Originally designed by Lindsay Thompson, Piedmont College, March 2, 2009, Professor Chaos and the Amazing Rainforest  All teachers and students at non-profit schools can use, revise, or adapt this game at will at no cost on the condition that all prior designers are cited.

45 Home Page Educational Objectives  Grade Level  7 th  Subject Area Objectives SS7G3 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, and physical characteristics on population distribution in Africa. a. Explain how the characteristics in the Sahara, Sahel, savanna, and tropical rain forest affect where people live, the type of work they do, and how they travel.

46 Home Page Copyright  Copyright 2006 Lindsay Thompson  Permission to copy this game at no cost is granted to all teachers and students of non-profit schools.  Permission is also granted to all teachers and students of non-profit schools to make revisions to this game for their own purposes, on the condition that this copyright page and the credits page remain part of the game. Teachers and students who adapt the game should add their names and affiliations to the credits page without deleting any names already there.

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