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Title of your book Your Name Add a picture of the cover of your book.

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Presentation on theme: "Title of your book Your Name Add a picture of the cover of your book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title of your book Your Name Add a picture of the cover of your book

2 Tennis Shoes

3 Camp Green Lake

4 Holes

5 Title of Symbol or Artifact Add a picture to represent your artifact.

6 Title of Symbol or Artifact Add a picture to represent your artifact.

7 Title of Symbol or Artifact Add a picture to represent your artifact.

8 Title of Symbol or Artifact Add a picture to represent your artifact.

9 Title of Symbol or Artifact Add a picture to represent your artifact.

10 Title of Symbol or Artifact Add a picture to represent your artifact.

11 Title of Symbol or Artifact Add a picture to represent your artifact.

12 Title of Symbol or Artifact Add a picture to represent your artifact.

13 Title of Symbol or Artifact Add a picture to represent your artifact.

14 Title of Symbol or Artifact Add a picture to represent your artifact.

15 Summary Add a picture that represents the overall story—this should not be the cover.

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