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Iran By Steven Kopack, Lauren Mastriano & George Heftler.

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Presentation on theme: "Iran By Steven Kopack, Lauren Mastriano & George Heftler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iran By Steven Kopack, Lauren Mastriano & George Heftler

2 Political History Iran was known as Persia. Russia and Great Britain. After World War 1, Persia became Iran.

3 Political History (cont.) The Shah was like a president. Reza Shah- took inspiration from west. Exiled himself to South Africa.

4 Political History Mohammed Reza Ruled as a constitutional monarch. Shah taken out of power by Mossedech.

5 Political History 1953--> Shah back in power Started the "white Revolution" which caused the Islamic Revolution.

6 Political History(cont.) 1978: Sit-Ins at Qon Fall of the Shah's government after 1979. Rallies, Riots, Strikes continue.

7 Political History(cont.)

8 Political History 2 weeks later Ayatollah took over and claimed Islamic republic. Not many liked Khomeini He was a Shiite. thought the American way was evil.

9 Ayatollah Khomeini & the Islamic Revolution

10 Pres. Ahmadinejad Bio Born October 28, 1956, in village of Aradan, in north-central Iran, 82 miles from Tehran, the capital city. Became politically active while attending Iran University. Joined military after Saddam Hussein ordered Iraqi military to invade Iran.

11 Pres Ahmadinejad Bio (2) Became mayor of Tehran in 2003 Ran for President of Iran in 2005, had full support of conservative leaders & was populist in approach. In Augst of 2009, Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ayatollah Ali Khamenei endorsed him as president of Iran at large "ceremony", opposition leader Mousavi kept away from event.

12 2008 Iranian Elections Televised debate on Iranian state-run PressTV between incumbent Ahmadinejad and challenger Mir Houssein Housavi.

13 Pres. Admadinejad: Bin Laden is in Washington DC

14 How Iranian people were able to Iranians showed reality of Iran protests by posting to Twitter, Facebook & YouTube since those sites were harder to block; took video & posted text updates online from cell phones. manupulate technology?

15 Iranians post video of the protests on YouTube & other social networks

16 History of Nuclear Relations With the United States Shah Mohammed Rez Pahlavi - Leader of Iran Wanted modern state

17 Made USA Nervous Over the course of 3 different administrations Ended relations in 1979

18 Current State of Program knowing Iraq had a nuclear program pushed us Based on comments by the Iranian leader, Americans are very worried.

19 Ahmadinejad-isms

20 Works Cited Bruno, Greg. "Iran's Nuclear Program." council on Foreign Relations. N.p., 10 Mar 2010. Web. 24 Sep 2010.. Burr, William. "The history of Iran's nuclear energy program." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. N.p., 19 Jan 2009. Web. 24 Sep 2010.. "Top 10 Ahmadinejad-isms." Time Magazine n. pag. Web. 22 Sep 2010..

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