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Joshua 1:7-9 We often talk about spiritual success But sadly, some fail spiritually and leave God The consequences are devastating – Heb. 10:26- 31, 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Joshua 1:7-9 We often talk about spiritual success But sadly, some fail spiritually and leave God The consequences are devastating – Heb. 10:26- 31, 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joshua 1:7-9 We often talk about spiritual success But sadly, some fail spiritually and leave God The consequences are devastating – Heb. 10:26- 31, 2 Pet. 2:20-22


3 Procrastination To willfully put something off until later or to hesitate in doing what needs to be done

4 Procrastination Acts 24:25 – Felix Matt. 25:2-13 – the foolish virgins Gen. 19:16 – Lot “lingered” in Sodom. Spared by the mercy of God!

5 Procrastination Often deals with one who will not deal with the unpleasant Laziness – Prov. 26:13-16 Often one’s priorities wrong Often indecision Jas. 1:7-8, 4:8

6 Procrastination As Christians we are to be industrious Redeem the time Eph. 5:15-16 Prov. 6:6-8, 12:24, 18:9 NOW is the time – Rom. 13:11, 2 Cor. 6:2

7 Procrastination When we procrastinate, we might lose opportunities that we will never see again. Also, it might lead to hardened hearts – Heb. 3:12-13

8 Blaming others Very popular in our society. It is always somebody else’s fault! Or is it??? Gen. 3:10-13, Adam and Eve blamed others 1 Sam. 15:15, 21, Saul blamed the people

9 Blaming others We have to take responsibility for our own actions. 2 Cor. 5:10, we will be judged! Gal. 6:5, bear your own load Matt. 7:3-5, remove the plank for your eye first Blaming others fails to identify your shortcomings

10 Making excuses Similar to blaming others, but more inclusive. An excuse is a supposed reason for doing or not doing something. An excuse is supposed to make your actions acceptable! But is it?

11 Making excuses Gen. 3:10-13, where did excuses get Adam and Eve? Luke 14:15-20, a dinner feast with excuses Luke 9:57-62, Jesus calls for followers Matt. 25:24-25 – one talent

12 Making excuses Excuses may buy you time in this life But God doesn’t accept them And when all is said and done, that which has been neglected still needs to be addressed. If not – FAILURE!

13 Refusing to Change We need stability Eph. 4:14, Col. 1:23 BUT, we should not be so stubborn we refuse to change when proven wrong. Christians are to be growing, Heb. 5:12-6:1

14 Refusing to Change Stubbornness is dangerous Exodus 33:5 – “stiff-necked” Prov. 28:14 Rom. 2:4-6 – hardness of heart treasures wrath! Cf. Heb. 4:7 Rom. 12:2

15 Failure to pray To deal with spiritual failure you need to appeal to a Spiritual source – God! Prayer is that avenue James 5:16-18 Luke 18:1 Phil. 4:6-7

16 Failure to pray We need to turn to God! Heb. 4:14-16 1 Pet. 5:7

17 Seeking Worldly Ways Loving the world WILL lead to failure! Cf. 1 Sam. 12:19-25, “give us a king” Matt. 6:24 James 4:4 Eph. 4:20-24

18 What are you doing to avoid spiritual failure? 1 Pet. 3:8-12

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