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Phenomenology of deflected mirage mediation Yongyan Rao Collaborators: L. Everett, I.W. Kim (UW), B. Nelson, B. Altayunak (NEU)

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Presentation on theme: "Phenomenology of deflected mirage mediation Yongyan Rao Collaborators: L. Everett, I.W. Kim (UW), B. Nelson, B. Altayunak (NEU)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phenomenology of deflected mirage mediation Yongyan Rao Collaborators: L. Everett, I.W. Kim (UW), B. Nelson, B. Altayunak (NEU)

2 Content Deflected mirage mediation (DMM) Phenomenology of DMM Summary Reference: B. Altayunak, L.L. Everett, I.W. Kim, B. Nelson, Y.R., hep- ph/1001.5261 Work in progress: B. Altayunak, L.L. Everett, I.W. Kim, B. Nelson, Y.R.

3 SUSY breaking mechanisms SUSY spontaneous breaking in “hidden” sector, communicated by “mediator” fields 3 standard mediation mechanisms: (1) Gravity (2) Gauge (3) Anomaly

4 “Deflected” mirage mediation Parameter space: 2 mass scale: M 0 M mess 4 dimensionless: N α m α g tanβ 1 sign [L.L. Everett, I.W. Kim, et al., hep-ph/0806.2330 L.L. Everett, I.W. Kim, et al., hep-ph/0804.0592] Stabilization of T & X moduli String setup: generically includes SM singlet X (vev F X ) + messengers (SM charged exotic vector pairs) These ingredients (after T and X stabilization) can lead to gauge mediation terms that can be comparable to the anomaly and gravity mediation contributions of mirage mediation! And also

5 Why “deflected”? mirage unification deflection Deflection can be dramatic!

6 DMM Phenomenology RG running + Mass spectrum Mirage unification behavior: deflection of mirage unification scale generically only present in gaugino sector Mass Spectrum: –Compressed vs. stretched spectrum –Gluino not always the heaviest –Light heavy Higgs combinations: HAH ±, AHH ±

7 RG running & mass spectrum N = 3 α m = 1 α g = 1 M mess = 10 12 GeV M 0 = 1 TeV tanβ = 10 μ > 0

8 RG running & mass spectrum N = 3 α m = 1 α g = -0.5 M mess = 10 12 GeV M 0 = 1 TeV tanβ = 10 μ > 0

9 RG running & mass spectrum N = 3 α m = 1 α g = 1 M mess = 10 5 GeV M 0 = 1 TeV tanβ = 10 μ > 0

10 Mass spectrum statistics Scan over 1≤N≤5 10 4 GeV≤M mess ≤10 16 GeV 50GeV≤ M 0 ≤2000GeV 0≤ α m ≤2 -1≤ α g ≤1 1≤ tanβ ≤60

11 Summary DMM: Rich Framework for SUSY breaking. Theoretically- motivated scenario for nonuniversal SUSY breaking models (top-down approach) Many general models with only a few new parameters –2 mass scales, 4+ dimensionless parameters, 1 sign (compare mSUGRA: 3 mass scales, 1 dimensionless, 1 sign) New features in phenomenology

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