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Optics studies for the LHC beam in the TT2-TT10 line and effect of the QKE58 suppression E.Benedetto, A.Franchi Thanks: G.Arduini, D.Jacquet, O.Berrig,

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Presentation on theme: "Optics studies for the LHC beam in the TT2-TT10 line and effect of the QKE58 suppression E.Benedetto, A.Franchi Thanks: G.Arduini, D.Jacquet, O.Berrig,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Optics studies for the LHC beam in the TT2-TT10 line and effect of the QKE58 suppression E.Benedetto, A.Franchi Thanks: G.Arduini, D.Jacquet, O.Berrig, R.Steerenberg, E.Bravin, A.Guerrero, PS and SPS operators LII meeting, 11/12/2006

2 Motivations QKE58 was used in the past for the extraction of electrons and anti-protons from the PS. In 2001 section SS58 has been dismantled BUT historically QKE58 has always been kept switched on. What happens if we switch off QKE58? Changes in ,D ? Last dispersion measurements done in 2000. OTR in TT10 for beam matching

3 Outline Measurements of 10 th Nov ’06 MESPS (LHC beam, 26GeV, 1-4 bunches) w/o bunch rotation Dispersion measurements with Passerelle Beam profiles measurements with OTRs in TT10 →  emittance Comparison with model prediction (A.F.)

4 Dispersion measurements “Passerelle” provides access to PS and SPS equipments from Windows platform via Excel + Excel application by D.Jacquet and G.Arduini TT2-TT10 and first turn SPS For QKE58 on and off: –vary beam momentum (by change ref. freq. sent from SPS to PS) –record transverse positions with BPMs –for each momentum, the relative offset  p/p is computed from first turn measurements –3 rd order polynomial fit applied at the beam displacement function of  p/p → get dispersion D i at each BPM location –fit to calculate D 0 and D’ 0 at beginning TT2

5 Dispersion measurements The Dispersion measured at each BPM (blue) with error bars and the fitted curve (magenta). Measurements with QKE58 off. Horizontal Vertical

6 Dispersion measurements QKE58 onQKE58 off Horizontal dispersion (fitted curve) from 1 st turn measurements, compared with the expected periodic function in the ring. Large mismatch for QKE58 off.

7 Dispersion measurements measurements Dispersion at initial point Dispersion derivative at initial point H4.8138505480.478022701 V0.14657404-0.034160885 error Dispersion at initial point Dispersion derivative at initial point H0.0423452380.048503723 V0.009853310.001985997 measurements Dispersion at initial point Dispersion derivative at initial point H3.2579459220.398804286 V0.147542529-0.027785935 error Dispersion at initial point Dispersion derivative at initial point H0.0345328850.036659529 V0.0073317090.001537287 Measurements in 2000 (QKE58 on) gave: DX0 = 3.175018163; DPX0 = 0.351373866; DY0 = 0.099503959; DPY0 = -0.02458524; Results with QKE58 ONResults with QKE58 OFF Larger horizontal dispersion (48% increase) at beginning of TT2 for QKE58 off

8 OTR measurements in TT10 2D beam profile  x,  y from projections on horiz and vertical plane + Gaussian fit MESPS with 4 bunches 4 monitors in TT10 (BTV1018, BTV1024, BTV1025, BTV1026) and MTV201 in TT2. Many problems (thanks a lot to the BDI people for help!!!) with CCD cameras and software acquisition. Hopefully will be solved during this shutdown.

9 OTR measurements 3-monitors method to derive  and emittance  at the beginning of TT2:    = M -1          M = C12C12 -2 C 1 S 1 S12S12 C22C22 -2 C 2 S 2 S22S22 C32C32 -2 C 3 S 3 S32S32           Combinations of 3 out of the 5 monitors in TT2-TT10. Dispersion from measurements 10/11/’06 Momentum spread (  p/p) 1  = 2.8 10 -4 NAMESALFXBETXMUXALFYBETYMUYDXDPXDYDPY BEGTT2A0.000-3.61936.1950.0000.6176.5710.0003.1860.3870.133-0.025 MTV20155.034-2.66347.0750.3560.53111.5660.5200.905-0.058-0.1980.054 BTV.101871818.7060.20323.3654.273-1.87893.0044.177-2.1680.043-5.152-0.104 BTV.102454989.7061.68057.5214.881-1.35351.3304.8172.075-0.110-0.0360.000 BTV.1025411014.716-0.76539.5404.9961.24052.4924.875-0.275-0.079-0.0100.002 BTV.1026421044.9661.16238.2525.085-1.42050.6515.016-1.735-0.0070.0520.003 with QKE58 on

10 OTR measurements Monitors in TT10 Less then 10% difference between QKE58 on and off in most of the cases –  x ~ 24m (was ~36m) –  y ~ 10m (was ~6.5m)  = ~ 5 10 -8 Completely different then the others

11 Including the monitor MTV201 (in TT2) Very small difference between QKE58 on and off in most of the cases  = ~ 5 10 -8 –  x ~ 24m (was ~36m) –  y ~ 10m (was ~6.5m) Results depends on the choice of the monitors

12 Comparison with model prediction Transfer matrix between end PS and beginning TT2

13 Comparison with model prediction Always ~30% difference in  x with w/o QKE58, ~10% in  y. With the “old” Twiss values, difference was >70% in  x Dispersion increase consistent with measur (was ~48%)

14 Summary Dispersion measurements: –Good agreement between measurements and model –Expected Dispersion increase if QKE58 off is ~50% OTR measurements for initial ,  –3-monitor methods –Good the determination of transverse emittance –Inconsistency between different monitor results –Inconsistency between measurements → show almost no effect of QKE58 the model → show large increase of  x (but the % depends on the assumed Twiss paramenters with QKE58 on) –Anyway, we managed to make them operative again !!!

15 What’s next Analysis of SEM-grid profiles in TT2 and TT10 –estimate about the initial Twiss parameters? Improve the analysis of OTR measurements –5-monitors method –Determination of the beam size from the 2D profile, not by fitting the projection on the x(y) plane, but by a 2D fit? –The software acquisition timing problem will be hopefully solved during the shutdown.

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