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Needles and broken glass

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1 Needles and broken glass
Handling Sharps Needles and broken glass

2 Needles Always point sharps away from you and other people.
In general, do not recap sharps. If you need to cap, use the one-handed scoop method. If your lab uses lot of sharps and must recap them, visit for better recap procedures including re-sheathing needles or use of mechanical re-capping devices. UofM, Department of Environmental Health and Safety. Sharps Safety

3 Needles When in use, keep sharps where they clearly visible and facing away from the edge counter. Dispose of sharps in a properly labeled sharps container. Needles must not be bent, sheared, broken, recapped, removed from disposable syringes, or otherwise manipulated before disposal. Never fill containers more than 3/4 full. Close and seal the top of containers before placing next to regular trash (inside the lab) for pick-up by custodians. UofM, Department of Environmental Health and Safety. Sharps Safety

4 Broken Glass Do not pick up broken glass with hands,
Use mechanical means such as a brush and dustpan, tongs, or forceps. UofM, Department of Environmental Health and Safety. Sharps Safety

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