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The Early Greeks Chapter 4, Section 1. The Geography of Greece Greece is: surrounded by 3 seas. made up of hundreds of islands Greece’s mainland is a.

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1 The Early Greeks Chapter 4, Section 1

2 The Geography of Greece Greece is: surrounded by 3 seas. made up of hundreds of islands Greece’s mainland is a peninsula – body of land with water on 3 sides.

3 How did Ancient Greeks live? –On the water by fishing, sailing, and trading. –On land by farming, and raising sheep & goats. One nation, divided- –Geographic features limit communication –Fiercely independent city-states formed

4 Minoans Crete lies southeast of the Greek mainland. Was the center of the Minoans civilization Palace at Knossos- shows how rich the ancient society was. Minoans wealth came from trade. They built ships and sailed to Egypt and Syria to trade 1450 B.C. – the Minoan civ. collapsed Reasons: –Earthquakes caused tidal waves –Greek invaders from the mainland attacked. Crete

5 The first Greek kingdoms 1 st kings- Mycenaean leaders –Palaces built on hills and surrounded by huge strong walls for protection. Outside palace walls -huge farms. Taxes were collected by govt. officials –not $ - paid w/ wheat, livestock, and honey Minoan traders brought ideas of: –Bronze works –How to build ships –Astronomy –religion Earth mother was the chief goddess 1400 B.C. – Mycenaean kingdom became more powerful than the Minoan traders

6 Trojan War Mycenaeans most famous victory King Agamemnon used trickery to win the war

7 The Dark Age Greeks forgot how to read & write –Farmers only grew enough food to feed their families Dorians - Greek-speaking people that settled in Peloponnesus. Peloponnesus is attached to the south of the Greek mainland. Dorian tech. –Advanced weapons –Farming tools made of iron. Ends –Food surplus/increase in trade

8 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ The Phoenicians gave the Greeks the idea of using an alphabet which made writing simpler.

9 Colonize 700 B.C. –Greece recovered from the Dark Ages –Population increased. Colonies started – farmers could not produce enough food for Greek pop. 600 B.C. – Greeks started using coins in trade Demand for more goods led to job specialization

10 Polis City-states- a.k.a- polis Polis- like a tiny independent country Acropolis –gathering place on a hill –Religious center Agora- below the acropolis –Market and meeting place

11 Greek citizenship Citizens –members of a political community that have rights/responsibilities Subjects- have no rights. Must obey their ruler Only free native born men who owned land were citizens Rights- –Choose officials –Pass laws –Become a member of govt. –Defend themselves in court 700 B.C.- govt. depends on armies of ordinary citizens (hoplites) Hoplites – loyal to their “hometowns” –Mistrusted each other Let’s check out the hoplites

12 4.2 – Sparta & Athens

13 Tyranny in the City-States Kings-Nobles-Small farm owners –Kings were the 1 st to rule –Lost their power to the nobles –Later to the farmers –The merchants and artisans demanded rights in government Tyrant- someone who takes power by force 600s B.C. – tyrants overthrew kings with the support of the middle class 500 B.C. – tyrants lost popularity

14 Oligarchy v. Democracy Oligarchy –Sparta –Few people hold power Democracy –Athens –All citizens share in running the government What type of government do we have?

15 Sparta Founded by Dorians Helots –slaves Firm govt. control – feared Helots would take over

16 Spartan males Spartan Females Age 7 – boys left family to live in barracks & train Age 20 – entered regular army and stayed in military barracks Age 30- returned home but stayed in army Age 60- get out of army- could become a member of the council Trained in sports Stay healthy Expected to produce healthy babies Babies that were born unhealthy were left out in the elements to die

17 Government- oligarchy – 2 kings and a council of elders Assembly – all Spartan men over the age of 30 Ephors – 5 people chosen to enforce laws/collect taxes Banned travel by their citizens so they would not question the way Sparta was

18 Athens Athenian boys went to school to learn: –Reading, writing, arithmetic, and music Athenian girls did not go to school –Their mothers taught them household duties. 600 B.C. Athens was ruled by nobles

19 Solon- –A noble man –canceled the farmers’ debt –Allowed male citizens to participate in gov. Peisistratus –Tyrant –Divided up rich peoples’ land –Gave the land to the poor farmers –Popular w/ poor – he gave them land and jobs of building temples Do gooders of Athens Cleisthenes –Gave more rights to male citizens

20 Council of 500 –Proposed laws and oversaw the treasury Lottery v. Election –Greeks chose to elect their representative with a lottery because they thought an election would favor the rich Non citizens –All women –Foreign-born men –slaves

21 Wife Swap video goes here/

22 4-3 Persia Attacks the Greeks Persian Empire Southwestern Iran – home of the Persian people Cyrus the Great –united the Persians into a powerful kingdom 539 B.C. –Cyrus’ army captured Babylon – then took over other places in Asia Minor Cyrus’ merciful rule helped hold his huge empire together Continental US – size of the Persian empire

23 Royal Road – connected the vast Persian Empire 521 B.C. –Darius becomes the King of Persia –Reorganizes the govt. Satrapies –Province (like a big state) Satrap –Official of province –Collected taxes –Acted as a judge, police chief, and recruiter for Persian army

24 Full-time army v. Hoplites –Full time armies are professional soldiers Immortals –Special soldiers that guarded the king Zoroastrianism – –Persia’s religion –Founded by Zoroaster –Monotheistic –Have the freedom to choose between right/wrong

25 Persian Wars Greek interference –angered the Persian so they decided to attack the Greeks Marathon –1 st battle of war –Persians lost Pheidippides –messenger who ran to tell the Greeks won –26 mile marathons are named after his famous run Nike – victory –messenger shouted “Nike” then died Xerxes –King Darius’ son –Became king in 486 B.C. United front – Greek city-states put their differences aside to defend themselves against the Persians

26 Thermopylae –7,000 Greek soldiers held off the Persians for 2 days. –Greeks lost the battle but were able to ready 200 war ships Strait of Salamis – where the naval battle took place. –Greeks won. –Persians burned Athens to the ground

27 479 B.C. –United Greeks crushed the Persians at Plataea Persian internal probs. –Losing strength from the costly wars –High taxes –Too many wives and sons Alexander the Great –Conquered Persian lands in 330 B.C. –No more Persian Empire!

28 The least you need to know: The Persian Empire united its many lands under a single government The Persian Empire attacked Greece several times Despite their rivalry, Athens and Sparta joined forces to defeat the Persians

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