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Introducing Patterns (or any new idea) into Organizations Mary Lynn Manns and Linda Rising

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Patterns (or any new idea) into Organizations Mary Lynn Manns and Linda Rising"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Patterns (or any new idea) into Organizations Mary Lynn Manns and Linda Rising

2 Patterns for introducing patterns  Wrote initial patterns with David DeLano at AG  OOPSLA Workshop 1996  Shepherded and workshopped at PLoP ’97  Mary Lynn Manns used patterns at US West  Added patterns  Shepherded and workshopped at PLoP ’99  Rising and Manns workshop at ChiliPLoP 2000  OOPSLA Workshop 2000  Simulations at OT 2001  OOPSLA Tutorial 2001  Shepherded for PLoP ’01  Shepherded and workshopped at EuroPLoP ‘02

3 Pattern authors from around the world  Each pattern has one or more originators  Patterns evolve as a result of feedback

4 Pattern languages  A pattern presents a solution for a recurring problem in a particular context  A new context and new problems result  Patterns always work together to solve problems in a particular domain  The collection of related patterns is made up of sequences and is called a pattern language

5 Alexander’s pattern language  Alexander, C.A. et al, A Pattern Language, Oxford University Press, 1977.  To build something, where do I start?  What do I do next?

6 Introducing new ideas – the forces  Most people are afraid of new ways of doing thing  There are too many new ideas  We don’t have reliable ways of evaluating new ideas  We’re all too busy, even if we had reliable methods  Some organizations have no “space” for learning new ideas  The result is – this is a hard problem!

7 Cultural forces  Organizations can be open or closed to change  People in an open community are more open  People who are trusted will trust others  People who are rewarded for new ideas will innovate  Organizational change is not top-down or bottom-up, but participative at all levels

8 Starting through the language Evangelist To introduce a new idea into your organization, let your passion for the new approach drive you. Brown Bag Use the time when people normally eat lunch to tell them about a new idea. Innovator Find the small group of colleagues who like new ideas.

9 Patterns anyone can use e-Forum Set up a bulletin board, distribution list, or listserver for those who want to hear more. Ask for Help Seek out company resources that can help you. Just Do It Integrate the new approach into your current work. Study Group Get together with a small group to learn more about the new idea.

10 More patterns anyone can use Respected Techie Enlist the support of senior-level developers, esteemed by developers and management. Big Jolt Invite a well-known person to give a presentation. Royal Audience Arrange for management and members of the organization to spend time with the Big Jolt.

11 Dedicated Champion Local Sponsor Get support from your boss so the activity can be part of your job. Some are hired to do this. New Dedicated Champions must use the same “initial” patterns as an Evangelist. Now you can apply patterns that require more resources.

12 Patterns requiring resources Mentor When a project wants to get started with a new idea, have someone around who understands how it is done. Personal Touch Talk to individuals about how the new idea can be personally useful. Do Food Food makes meetings special.

13 Incremental Approach to Using the Patterns Test the Waters Use a few patterns and evaluate the result. Step by Step Changing an organization is an enormous task, take it one step at a time. Time for Reflection At regular intervals, stop to ask what worked well and what should be done differently. Small Successes Celebrate each small success and learn from each small setback.

14 Summary The message of the patterns community is that we all have something to share and we all can learn. Patterns provide a way to capture knowledge and transmit experience to others. The patterns in this language have been successfully used in companies around the world to introduce new ideas. Take the ones that can help you and begin to introduce new ideas into your organization!

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