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Presentation on theme: "ADOBE INDESIGN CS3 Chapter 8 WORKING WITH EFFECTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chapter 82 LESSON 1 2 Colorize a Grayscale Image Define a grayscale image A grayscale image is only one color, usually black A grayscale image placed in InDesign can have other colors applied to it

3 Chapter 83 LESSON 1 3 Colorize a Grayscale Image Colorizing grayscale images in InDesign You can apply one swatch color to the highlights (light areas) and another to the shadows (dark areas) To colorize light areas, select graphics frame with Selection Tool and apply one swatch color To colorize dark areas select graphic with Direct Selection Tool and click swatch in Swatches panel

4 Chapter 84 LESSON 1 4 Colorize a Grayscale Image Colorize highlightsColorize shadows

5 Chapter 85 Colorize a Grayscale Image LESSON 1 5 Frame contains yellow fill Light-colored grass becomes transparent to show the yellow fill Part of pasteboard

6 Chapter 86 Work with Opacity and Feathering Manipulating Opacity Opacity comes from opaque: meaning neither transparent nor translucent– can’t be seen through InDesign objects have 100% opacity by default The more you decrease opacity in Effects window, the more see- through they become If you manipulate opacity of graphic in Illustrator or Photoshop, InDesign will recognize and preserve LESSON 2 6

7 Chapter 87 Work with Opacity and Feathering Applying a feathered edge Basic Feather command, found on Object menu or Effects panel, allows you to apply feathered edge to selected objects Feathering is a form of transparency as edge becomes increasingly transparent If you place graphic with feathered edge, graphic too will be feathered LESSON 2 7

8 Chapter 88 Work with Opacity and Feathering LESSON 2 8 100% 50%25% Examples of opacity

9 Chapter 89 Work with Opacity and Feathering LESSON 2 9 0" feather.25" feather.75" feather Examples of feathering

10 Chapter 810 Work with Blending Modes Understanding Blending Modes Blending modes allow you to create different transparency and color effects where two or more objects overlap Blending modes work by comparing the colors in the overlapping graphics and running the colors through an algorithm to produce the effect Best to play around with blending modes to find effect you want LESSON 3 10

11 Chapter 811 Work with Blending Modes LESSON 3 11 Using the multiply blending mode Blending modes are found in the Transparency panel Multiply is a blending mode, that when applied to an object, makes the object transparent yet retain color White areas become transparent Black areas remain black

12 Chapter 812 LESSON 3 12 Work with Blending Modes Multiply effect occurs at areas of overlap

13 Chapter 813 Apply Transparency to Placed Graphics Applying transparency to placed graphics Manipulate opacity in placed graphics from other applications like Photoshop or Illustrator Manipulate opacity of.pdf,.indd,.eps, and.tiff files placed in InDesign LESSON 4 13

14 Chapter 814 Apply Transparency to Placed Graphics Applying transparency to placed graphics Apply blending modes to placed graphics Multiply blending mode makes all white areas become transparent When black color is multiplied with any other color, result is black When white is multiplied with any color, white becomes transparent Screen blending mode works as inverse of Multiply LESSON 4 14

15 Chapter 815 Apply Transparency to Placed Graphics Applying transparency to placed graphics LESSON 4 15 Example of applying transparency to an object behind text

16 Chapter 816 Apply Transparency to Placed Graphics LESSON 4 16 Removing white background with Multiply mode White background becomes transparent

17 Chapter 817 Apply Transparency to Placed Graphics LESSON 4 17 Multiply mode – white areas become transparent Screen mode – black areas become transparent

18 Chapter 818 Apply Transparency to Placed Graphics LESSON 4 18 Placing graphics into transparent frames When graphic placed into frame, graphic takes on transparency effects applied to frame Selecting overlapping frames Select any of the top objects, press and hold [Ctrl] (Win) or [Command] (Mac), then click again Use this method to select any object positioned behind another


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