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Hard Questions About Islam

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1 Hard Questions About Islam

2 What does Islam say about women?

3 Some people quote the Qur’an to “prove” that Islam does not teach respect for women. For example: “God directs you as regards your children's inheritance: To the male, give portion equal to that of two females. (4:11)  Daughters and Sons

4 Not fair!! I would only inherit half as much as my brothers just because I’m a girl!! “God directs you as regards your children's inheritance: To the male, give portion equal to that of two females. (4:11)

5 Oh, I agree! But think about it. Good grief!! The Qur’an was written in the 7 th Century. Fathers didn’t have to leave ANYTHING to their daughters. It was tough for women everywhere. For example, in Christian Europe, women couldn’t own property unless they were widows.

6 In Muhammad’s day, families preferred sons. And in Arabia, female babies were often killed, especially if there was a food shortage. The Qur’an says this was “evil.” Muhammad taught that God expected families to love their girls as much as their boys.

7 “…the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard their purity in their husband's absence as God would have them do. As to those women on whose part you fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them first. Next, refuse to share their beds. Lastly beat them.” (4:34) Yep, there it is! “Beat them.” So that’s proof that Muslims treat women like trash!  Violence Against Women

8 In the 7 th Century, women and children were property – kind of like cattle or goats. They existed only to please the men and to take care of the household. Hold on there, cowboy! I’m glad you know it’s wrong to beat women – or beat anyone for that matter. But you need to think back in time.

9 “…the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard their purity in their husband's absence as God would have them do. As to those women on whose part you fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them first. Next, refuse to share their beds. Lastly beat them. (4:34) A lot of Arab men were MAD because Muhammad said they had to TALK with their wives FIRST to try to clear things up. Beating them was only a last resort. They were used to beating them whenever they wanted! Ewwwwww! So beating them as a last resort was progress ?

10 Sadly for 7 th Century women, it was definitely progress. In our day, most Muslims view violence against women as wrong. BUT it also depends on their culture (more than on their religion). ty_At_Domestic_Violence_Rally.JPG

11 Many non-Muslims also say Islam disrespects women because men are allowed to have multiple wives.  Multiple Wives

12 “Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one." (4:3) So Muslim men have four wives each? Geez! I would be SO outnumbered!

13 ! ! It’s a bit more complicated than that. Most marry only one wife. But in Muhammad’s day, rich men collected wives like some rich men today collect cars! Muhammad put a stop to that. He limited the number of wives a man can have.

14 So are you trying to say Muhammad was a reformer? A women’s right advocate? Seriously? ? He also told men that if they chose to have more than one wife, they had to treat each wife equally and care for the children of each wife. Women were not to be status symbols. They were life partners.

15 Well, yes – at least for that time in history. By 7 th Century Arabia’s standards, he was a protector of women. Muhammad was definitely a reformer. And he was about everyone’s rights, not just women. He was about bringing God’s law and justice to a corrupt society.

16  Clothing Islam requires women – and men – to dress modestly. In early Islam, like early Christianity, modest women covered their heads.

17 Today, the type of “modest” clothing a Muslim woman wears reflects her own nation’s (and family’s) culture.

18 In some cultures, a hijab is not enough. A veil or even a total body covering is traditional.


20 Islam, Peace, and Violence

21 experiences. The 9/11 attackers claimed to be good Muslims. 0056B7DC00000258-422_468x314.jpg In the U.S., we’ve had some terrifying

22 Some Muslims are definitely violent. But well-educated Muslims know the Qur'an does not encourage violence.

23 However, there are verses in the Qur’an that sound very violent. I don’t plan to become Muslim, so does that mean I’m supposed to be “punished with terrible agony”? That does not sound pleasant! "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.“ - Qur’an 3:56

24 "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned.” Qur’an 5:33 I would prefer to stay connected to my hands and feet!

25 "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers” – Qur’an 3:151 Muhammad’s followers were told to “kill the unbelievers.” BUT they were not told to just go around just killing any unbelievers.

26 They were to kill specific unbelievers – the ones from Makkah who had been trying to kill the Muslims and their families for the several years. After years of persecution, they were given permission to defend themselves. Screen shot from Biography: Muhammad The Prophet, The History Channel

27 In today’s world, radical Muslims love to take those verses out of context and use them as excuses in their own political battles and terrorist acts.

28 Many Americans think of images like this when they think of Muslims, and probably don’t think about images like this.

29 While our media does pay some attention to Muslim voices for peace,

30 the more dramatic threats and acts of violence by extremist Muslims get a lot more attention in the media.

31 Regular Muslims are put in the difficult position of trying to speak LOUDER than the LOUD voices of extremist Muslims.

32 Sometimes this means advertising their peaceful view of Islam.

33 It also means that Muslim leaders and Muslim organizations around the world speak out against violence and for peace. Muslim scholars condemn terrorism – CNN World, 4 March 2010 Top Muslim leaders denounce terrorism – Daily Monitor, 16 Oct 2013 Muslims condemn ISIS, say terrorist group doesn’t represent Islam – Arab American News, 26 August 2014 Muslim peace conference condemns terrorism – CNN News, 25 Sept 2011 MUSLIMS RALLY AGAINST ISLAMIC MILITANTS – Associated Press, 25 August 2014 British Muslim leaders condemn extremist group -- The Independent, 30 Aug 2014 Islamic Scholars Condemn Expulsion of Iraq’s “Christian Brothers” – NBC News, 23 July 2014 Muslim Scholars Cond emn Terrorists -- Fox News, 28 July 2005 American Muslim Leaders Condemn Attacks -- New York Times, 12 Sept 2012

34 Islam is the 2 nd largest religion on earth. In our modern world, it is important that Muslims and non-Muslims learn more about each other.

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