Response to Secretary’s Call to Action. NAPSR The National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives (NAPSR) is a non-profit organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Response to Secretary’s Call to Action. NAPSR The National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives (NAPSR) is a non-profit organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Response to Secretary’s Call to Action

2 NAPSR The National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives (NAPSR) is a non-profit organization of state pipeline safety directors, managers, inspectors and technical personnel who serve to support, encourage, develop and enhance pipeline safety. The Association was founded on December 2, 1982.

3 Pipeline Safety Oversight NAPSR members are responsible for: - 96% of 49 C.F.R. Part 192 jurisdictional intrastate gas facilities - 32% of 49 C.F.R. Part 195 jurisdictional intrastate hazardous liquid and carbon-dioxide facilities - Act as interstate agents for PHMSA - 9 states for gas - 6 states for liquid - State inspectors comprise over 75% of the federal-state pipeline safety workforce.

4 NAPSR’s Response to the “Call to Action” Investigated jurisdictional accidents. Where appropriate, took enforcement action and required remedial measures; Prepared a compendium of state pipeline safety requirements and initiatives: – Over 1,200 specific safety actions (Rules, Regulations, Legislation, etc.) in 22 categories adopted by various states to help enhance pipeline safety. – These actions are in addition to the federal Pipeline Safety Code. – These actions are taken to address specific pipeline safety needs of unique conditions in those states. The compendium has been distributed to every pipeline safety manager and the State Commission.


6 NAPSR’s Response to the “Call to Action” (cont.) Strengthen relationship between NAPSR and NARUC – Pipeline safety is now an agenda topic at every NARUC Gas Committee meeting – NARUC has formed a Pipeline Safety Task Force – Pipeline safety is now an agenda topic for the training provided to each new Commissioner at NARUC

7 Pursuit of Effective Damage Prevention Programs Seven States have passed enhanced laws, and 5 are working on improving their laws Help with outreach regarding 811 and safe digging practices Serve on CGA Committees

8 Partnering with PHMSA and Industry to Advance Safety Conducting inspections regarding DIMP, Public Awareness, Control Room/Human Fatigue Management Co-sponsor and participate in workshops, meetings, and more than 20 other task groups Serve on Advisory Boards (APGA’s SIF) and several Industry Standards Committees (GPTC)

9 Partnering with PHMSA and Industry to Advance Safety Working with PHMSA to determine the most effective enforcement process to ensure compliance Working to enhance data quality to better the data- driven inspection process

10 Thank you

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