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Ms. G. Baker 5th Grade Math Teacher Canton School of Arts and Sciences

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1 Ms. G. Baker 5th Grade Math Teacher Canton School of Arts and Sciences
Geometry Ms. G. Baker 5th Grade Math Teacher Canton School of Arts and Sciences

2 Project Geometry Monster Figures

3 Objectives Student will analyze and describe the characteristics of symmetry relative to classes of polygons (parallelograms, triangles, etc) Student will classify geometric polygons

4 Essential Questions How does math affect my life?

5 Unit Questions Why do we need geometry in our city?
How does geometry inspire contractors today?

6 Content Questions How do you find the area of a rectangular?
What is the difference in the number of sides a decagon has and the number of sides that a pentagon has? How many triangles do you see on the doghouse?

7 Vocabulary Quadrilateral- a polygon with 4 sides and 4 angles
Trapezoid-quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides Parallelogram- a quadrilateral with two pair of parallel sides Rectangle- a parallelogram with 4 right angles Square- a parallelogram with 4 equal sides and 4 ninety-degree angles (type of rectangle) Rhombus- a parallelogram with 4 equal sides (A square is a type of rhombus)

8 Class Project Find and cut out at least 10 geometric shapes to create your monster. Use half of a regular posterboard to build your monster. (“14 x22”) Color your shapes Give the monster a name, such as “Fire Breathing Parallelo-Beast” Describe their various body parts a index card Be creative

9 Assessment Rubric Use at least 10 different shapes to create your geometric figure (50 points) Give explanation of the geometric concept (30 points) Be neat and easy to understand (10 points) Demonstrate originality and creativity (10 points)

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