Classification of Organisms. How many different types of organisms are there on Earth?

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Presentation on theme: "Classification of Organisms. How many different types of organisms are there on Earth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification of Organisms

2 How many different types of organisms are there on Earth?

3 More than 2 million! Tremendous diversity Scientists estimate between 2 and 100 million species yet to be discovered

4 What is classification? Classification –a systematic arrangement of organisms into groups or categories according to specific scientific criteria Taxonomy – science of classifying organisms

5 Why Classify? Set up an organized system so scientists can communicate Study similarities and propose relationships between organisms Show evolutionary linkages between organisms

6 Common Names One species can have many different names –Example: Mountain lion, puma, cougar, or panther? Vary among languages and regions

7 Early Efforts at Naming Organisms Described the PHYSICAL characteristics –Example: Oak with deeply divided leaves that have no hairs on their undersides and no teeth around their edges Different scientists described different characteristics

8 Swedish botanist Based his system on STRUCTURAL similarities Developed a ranking system that went from broadest to most specific The father of modern taxonomy Carlos Linnaeus

9 Binomial Nomenclature The system used to identify all organisms using a two part Latin name Each SPECIES is assigned a two-part name –Population of organisms that share common characteristics and breed to produce fertile offspring

10 Keys to Binomial Nomenclature Felis domesticus Name has 2 part – Genus & species Must be in italics or underlined Genus (1 st word) must be capitalized Species must be lowercase

11 Correct or Incorrect? Triticum Aestivum - wheat Felis domesticus - cat canis lupus - wolf Canis familiaris - dog Populus deltoides - cottonwood

12 Hierarchy of Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species King Philip Came Over For Good Soup


14 Linneaeus’s Hierarchy of Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species King Phillip Came Over For Good Soup

15 Classification Example Kingdom – Animalia –Multicellular –Heterotrophic

16 Classification Example Phylum – Chordata –Nerve cord

17 Classification Example Class – Mammalia –Mammary glands –Breathes air –Four-chambered hearts –Endotherms (generate internal body heat)

18 Classification Example Order – Perissodactyla –Hooves –Odd number of toes on each foot –Herbivore

19 Classification Example Family – Equidae –Long heads and necks –Mane –Long slender tails

20 Classification Example Genus – Equus –Three toes

21 Classification Example Species – grevi –Distinctive striping pattern, with black stripes separated by narrow white bands –Stripes continue down the legs to the hooves. –There is a distinctive pattern on the hind quarters

22 Who am I? Equus grevi

23 How do scientists classify new organisms? They study their characteristics They try to see if they are similar to other already known organisms They group a new organism with others that have similar characteristics

24 Summary Scientists use Linnaean classification system to group organisms Organisms are grouped based on structural characteristics and information from all scientific fields Levels of classification start in large non- specific groups and end in small specific groups

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