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©Scott, 2002 Morning Meetings What You Need to Know.

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1 ©Scott, 2002 Morning Meetings What You Need to Know

2 ©Scott, 2002 The Morning Meeting Book By Roxann Kriete

3 ©Scott, 2002 / Guiding Question: What is the benefit and opportunity cost of having a daily Morning Meeting in an elementary school classroom?

4 ©Scott, 2002 / Guiding Question: What is the benefit and opportunity cost of having a daily Morning Meeting in an elementary school classroom? def. opportunity cost: The cost of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action. Put another way, the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative action. i.e. What is the cost of missing instructional content time to allow time for a Morning Meeting?

5 ©Scott, 2002 / Classroom Clips: / Toe-to-Toe Group Activity Toe-to-Toe Group Activity / Morning Meeting - Morning MessageMorning Message / Morning Meeting Greetings - Picture GreetingPicture Greeting / Sharing- Any Questions or Comments? Sharing / Third Grade M.M. Sparkle Spelling practiceSparkle Spelling / Fourth Grade M.M. One Minute GreetingOne Minute Greeting / Classroom Clips: / Toe-to-Toe Group Activity Toe-to-Toe Group Activity / Morning Meeting - Morning MessageMorning Message / Morning Meeting Greetings - Picture GreetingPicture Greeting / Sharing- Any Questions or Comments? Sharing / Third Grade M.M. Sparkle Spelling practiceSparkle Spelling / Fourth Grade M.M. One Minute GreetingOne Minute Greeting Morning Meeting & Responsive Classroom

6 ©Scott, 2002 / Finding One: The Morning Meeting is a component of the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching. Studies show the Responsive Classroom approach is associated with better academic and social outcomes for elementary school children. There are ten classroom practices at the heart of the Responsive Classroom approach.

7 ©Scott, 2002 / Finding Two: Teachers in Jefferson County Public Schools implement Morning Meetings as a component of the CARE for Kids program to create supportive learning communities and report positive feedback and praise for Morning Meetings.

8 ©Scott, 2002 / Finding Three: Teachers in Jefferson County Public Schools report that although Morning Meetings do take time away from regular instruction, the time invested in Morning Meetings is worth the opportunity cost (time taken away from curriculum instruction). / *Morning Meeting is also a time to review academic content in the Morning Message, and sharing. Students can share what they are learning and take time for “any questions or comments?” / Finding Three: Teachers in Jefferson County Public Schools report that although Morning Meetings do take time away from regular instruction, the time invested in Morning Meetings is worth the opportunity cost (time taken away from curriculum instruction). / *Morning Meeting is also a time to review academic content in the Morning Message, and sharing. Students can share what they are learning and take time for “any questions or comments?”

9 ©Scott, 2002 The First Six Weeks of School By Paula Denton and Roxann Kriete

10 ©Scott, 2002 THANK YOU for your attention! / TIME FOR A BREAK THANK YOU for your attention! / TIME FOR A BREAK

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