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Reading Secrets and lies & A friendship in trouble.

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4 Reading Secrets and lies & A friendship in trouble

5 Lead-in Reading Fast reading Careful reading 1 Careful reading 2 Homework Post-reading Presentation

6  Do you keep in touch with your friends?  Have you ever argued with a very good friend?  How would you mend broken friendship?

7 What is the song about? What is the song about?

8 What may lead to a broken friendship? —having little in common —lacking trust —there being conflict of interest —being jealous of each other —being indifferent to each other —being hostile to each other …

9 Go through the two letters quickly and answer questions in Part A. 1. Are the writers of the two letters feeling happy or sad? They are feeling sad.

10 2. What grade did Sarah get on the math quiz? She got a D. 3. In Andrew’s opinion, why did his team lose the match? Because his friend Matthew was playing badly in the match.

11 Read the first letter carefully and answer the following questions. 1. Why other children say we are no fun? Secrets and lies Because we are both very academic and like to study.

12 2. What did Sarah think about the math quiz? She thought it was a piece of cake. 3. What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls’ washroom? She told Hannah how badly she had done in the math quiz.

13 4. Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they weren’t going to be friends any more? Because she thought that Hannah had told her classmates about her grade after promising not to do so.

14 She felt … Feelings understanding The reasons… She scored the lowest grade in her class. ashamed

15 She felt …The reasons… She found a piece of paper on her desk that said “stupid Sarah got a D”. She thought her best friend Hannah didn’t keep her secret. angry upset

16 1. Why did Mathew get annoyed at Andrew after the match? A friendship in trouble Because Andrew was very angry with him and said he was not trying hard enough.

17 2. What did Matthew think about losing the match? He thought it wasn’t his fault. Football is very important to him. 3. How did Andrew think of football?

18 4. What kind of boy is Matthew? He is usually cheerful and outgoing. He has been really quiet and looks sad. 5. How is Matthew recently?

19 How Andrew feltWhy he felt so His best friend Matthew has stopped talking to him. He felt awkward. Reading strategy

20 They lost the game because of Matthew’s carelessness. He made some really cruel remarks to Matthew. He felt really guilty. He got angry.

21 Annie wrote back to the two students. Complete her replies with the words from the box below. pretended apologize awkward betrayed horrible forgive guilty swear admit cruel Dear Sarah, You have every right to feel _______ by betrayed

22 your friend if she did tell your secret to others and then _________ that she was innocent, but perhaps she didn’t do it. Would a best friend really act this way? If you still have doubts, think about why you don’t believe her. Was it because you were ashamed of your _______ grade, or because you envied her? pretended horrible

23 If so, the problem lies with you, not her. While it may feel ________, if she really is your best friend you should ________ for blaming her. However, if you really sense that she wanted to embarrass you in public, you had better find a new friend. Yours truly Annie awkward apologize

24 Dear Andrew, It seems you need to apologize quickly to avoid losing a good friend! Matthew probably felt _____ about losing the match, and bad about not being as gifted at football as you are. Shouting at him just made him feel worse. guilty

25 Although you both said _____ things to each other, one of you has to be the first to _______ that it was a mistake. You are simply going to have to ______ him. You ______ that your friendship is as important as football, so don’t let a small disagreement destroy your friendship. cruel admit forgive swear

26 Talk to your friend and I’m sure that, before long, you’ll be back playing football together. Sincerely Annie

27 Match the new words with their meanings. 1 cheerful 2 beg 3 focus a ask for something, especially in an anxious way because you want it very much b give special attention or effort to something c happy, and showing it by the way you behave

28 4 spy on 5 manner 6 sensitive d the way something is done e of a person who quickly gets upset by what f watch or listen in on someone in secret

29 If you were Sarah or Andrew, would you try to fix the broken friendship with your friend? What would you do to fix it?

30 If you had a problem with your friend, would you write to Annie? If not, who would you talk to? If you were the Annie from the magazine, what advice would you give to Sarah?

31 Student A: Annie Student B: Sarah Student C: Hannah Student A: Annie Student B: Andrew Student C: Matthew Role-play Form a group of three


33 TALK SHOW When you say something wrong... Lily: You know, I think you hurt Kate’s feeling when you told her she is a little overweight. John: Hmm, I didn’t realize that. Do you think she is angry with me?

34 Lily: I don’t know if “angry” is the right word, but it seems to me she’s a little upset. John: Oh, I feel terrible. Lily: Maybe you ought to apologize to her. That might help patch things up between the two of you. John: Good idea! I will do that.

35 HELP: patch... up 调停,解决(纷争、争执 等)

36 What is a friendship?

37 A Friend... Accepts you as you are Believes in you Calls you just to say ~Hi~ 接受原本的你 相信你这個人 打电话给你就是想说声 Hi

38 Doesn’t give up on you Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts) Forgives your mistakes 从不放弃对你的信心 对你知根知底(即使是没有完成的部分) 原谅你的过错

39 Gives unconditionally Helps you Invites you over Just be with you 无条件的付出 帮助你 邀请你 和你在一起

40 Keeps you close at heart Loves you for who you are Makes a difference in your life Never judges 靠近你的心 因你原来的样子而爱你 使你的生活与以往不同 从不审判你

41 Offers support Picks you up Quiets your fears Raises your spirits 支持你 扶你一把 止息你的恐惧 鼓舞你的心灵

42 Says nice things about you Tells you the truth when you need to hear it Understands you Values you 跟別人述说你好的那一面 当需要时会告诉你实情 懂你 看重你

43 Walks beside you X-Plain (explain) things you don’t understand Yells when you won’t listen and Zaps you back to reality 与你同行 为你揭开困惑 当你不理性时叫醒你 把你拉回现实

44 1. Retell the two letters. 2. Finish the relevant exercises in the workbook.


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