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Evidenced Based Protocols for Adult Drug Courts Jacqueline van Wormer, PhD Washington State University NADCP/NDCI.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidenced Based Protocols for Adult Drug Courts Jacqueline van Wormer, PhD Washington State University NADCP/NDCI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidenced Based Protocols for Adult Drug Courts Jacqueline van Wormer, PhD Washington State University NADCP/NDCI

2  “The first test of reform is in it’s record of implementation. A program must ultimately be judged by results, what actual benefits it brings, and what degrees of mischief it has created…..”  David J. Rothman, Conscience and Convenience (1980)


4 Defining and Measuring Recidivism and Desistance  Recidivism is a central concept when assessing the effectiveness of a program because policy makers and practitioners want to know what impact a program or sanction has on criminality.  When a person reaches a permanent state of non-offending, it is called desistance. Desistance is the ultimate goal of all prevention and correctional intervention efforts.

5 What is evidence-based vs. best practice?

6 Definition: Evidence-Based  Multiple site random controlled trials across heterogeneous populations demonstrating that the program or practice is effective for the population.

7 Definition: Best Practice  An approach, framework, collection of ideas or concepts, adopted principles and strategies supported by research.

8 Program versus Practice

9 Definitions  Oh, and so many others….  Research-based  Consensus-based  Promising practices

10 Why do we need “evidence- based” and “best” practices?

11 The Hydraulic Justice System

12 Evidence-Based Practices  NADCP/NDCI Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards Volume I & II  Louisiana Best Practice Standards for Drug Courts

13 What does the research tell us?  Use risk assessment tools to identify risk to reoffend and criminogenic needs.  Direct programming and interventions to medium and higher risk offenders  Focus interventions for medium and higher risk offenders on their individual criminogenic needs.  Respond to misconduct with swiftness, certainty, and proportionality.  Use more carrots than sticks  Deliver services in natural environments where possible  Pair sanctions with interventions that address criminogenic needs O Source: NIC (2012)

14 Individualized  Risk/Needs/Responsivity

15 R-N-R  RISK: who to treat  NEED: what to treat  RESPONSIVITY: how to treat

16 The RISK Principle  Because criminal behavior can be predicted, services should be matched to each person’s risk of reoffending  To reduce recidivism:  Higher risk youth need additional services  Lower risk youth need little to no intervention

17 The (Criminogenic) NEED Principle  The Central Eight  The Big Four (Tier I)  antisocial personality traits, thinking, and attitudes  criminal associations  Tier II  Substance abuse  Family/marital relationships  Education and employment  Positive leisure activities O Source: Andrews & Bonta (2010)

18 The RESPONSIVITY Principle  Service delivery should be responsive to the learning style and capabilities of each individual client  What protective factors does the client possess that will assist with participation in and completion of services?

19 Evidence-Based Programs

20 Data  Cannot reach a level of best practices without the use of data.  Data should drive decision making, programming planning, caseloads, target populations.  Monitor for racial/ethnic disparities in filings, referrals, jail stays, access to and completion of services.

21 Quality Assurance  Why QA? To use multiple levels of data and information to measure impact, and to implement changes if necessary  Multi-level Quality Assurance: State, County, Provider level.  Source: Crime and Justice Institute at Community Resources for Justice, Kristy Pierce ‐ Danford, & Meghan Guevara (2010). Commonwealth of Virginia: Roadmap for Evidence ‐ Based Practices in Community Corrections.

22 The QA Process  How does each stakeholder define quality  Draft definition of highest quality service for your ADC  (e.g. Utilize RNR tool for program placement, individualized TX & Incentives and Sanctions)  Logic Model – what do you intend to happen, and what are your short and long term outcomes?  How will you measure the goals?  Data Review  Peer Review: Audits, file reviews, interviews, checklists, client & staff surveys  Always communicate!

23 Questions?

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