Birth stones. Garnet Garnet is the January birthstone. Garnets streak is white. Garnet is a deep red. Garnet usually occurs in a metamorphic rock.

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Presentation on theme: "Birth stones. Garnet Garnet is the January birthstone. Garnets streak is white. Garnet is a deep red. Garnet usually occurs in a metamorphic rock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birth stones

2 Garnet Garnet is the January birthstone. Garnets streak is white. Garnet is a deep red. Garnet usually occurs in a metamorphic rock.

3 Amethyst Amethyst the birthstone of February. Amethysts streak is white. Amethyst has Vitreous (Glassy) luster. Amethysts fracture is Conchoidal.

4 Aquamarine Aquamarine is the birthstone of March. Aquamarine is a turquoise color. Aquamarine’s crystal system is hexagonal. Aquamarine has a luster that is Vitreous to resinous.Vitreousresinous

5 Diamond Diamond is the birthstone of April. Diamonds streak is white. Diamonds luster is Adamantine Diamonds have the highest hardness of all minerals.

6 Emerald Emerald is the birthstone of May. Emerald is a deep green color. Emeralds hardness is a 7 to an 8. Emeralds has a Hexagonal crystal system.

7 Pearls Pearl is the birthstone of June. Pearls streak is white. Pearls luster is pearly. Pearls fracture is uneven.

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