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INCA’S ~ A Great Civilization By Cody Medina. Intro There is no question who had the best civilization in Mesoamerica, the Incas. They had great scientific.

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Presentation on theme: "INCA’S ~ A Great Civilization By Cody Medina. Intro There is no question who had the best civilization in Mesoamerica, the Incas. They had great scientific."— Presentation transcript:

1 INCA’S ~ A Great Civilization By Cody Medina

2 Intro There is no question who had the best civilization in Mesoamerica, the Incas. They had great scientific achievements that set them apart from the rest. They had great geography that helped them as a civilization. They had one of the largest empires in Mesoamerica and made technology to keep that large empire running. Why Incan writing wasn’t as bad as assumed to be.

3 Incan Geography The Incas were heavily protected by natural barriers like the Andes Mountains and were mostly safe from warfare. Got lots of rain like you can see in the greenery on the mountains of the civilization.

4 Empire Size The Inca had the largest civilization in Mesoamerica. They adapted to the size of their empire and used their engineering skill to make an amazing road system to connect their civilization They also adapted to their size by creating a relay system by building messenger stations every couple of miles, using this system messages could travel over 250 miles a day.

5 Language and Writing Many people think that Incan writing and language wasn’t as successful as other civilizations in Mesoamerica because they did not have a writing system, but that is not the case. The Inca had a substitute for a writing system which was a knotted set of strings to keep memory aids in sending messages and record information, called Quipas. The language that the Incas created, Quechua, is still spoken today bye about 10 million people in South America today.

6 Conclusion The Inca had a very advanced civilization that had great achievements that set them apart from the Aztecs and Maya. The Inca had great geography that helped their civilization. They had a very large empire and adapted to make it stronger. They had a great language and a great substitute to a writing system which no other civilization had.

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