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ASSESSMENT UPDATE Literacy Specialists September 10, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSESSMENT UPDATE Literacy Specialists September 10, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSESSMENT UPDATE Literacy Specialists September 10, 2014

2 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers

3 PARCC Assessments PARCC assessments measuring the CCSS will be fully operational in 2014-2015 ELA/Literacy at grades 3 – 11 Math at grades 3 - 8 End-of-Course Algebra I Geometry Algebra II

4 PARCC Assessments Big shifts ELA/Literacy testing at grades 9 and 10 Algebra II end-of-course testing Online test administration Accessibly features available to all Two testing components for each grade/course Each component has a separate administration window Some school flexibility in scheduling testing

5 PARCC Assessment Design Summative Assessments Performance -Based Assessment End-of-Year Assessment  After 75 percent of the school year  Extended tasks, applications of concepts and skills  ELA/Literacy: Writing effectively when analyzing text, research simulation  Math: Solving multi-step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance and strategic use of tools  All grades and courses  After 90 percent of the school year  Innovative, short-answer items  ELA/Literacy: Reading comprehension  Math: Short items that address both concepts and skills  All grades and courses All students take both components for a final PARCC score

6 PARCC ADMINISTRATION What will that look like?

7 PARCC Administration in Arkansas BLOCK PARCC ADMINISTRATION WINDOWS MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 23456 910111213 PBA March 20151617181920 2324252627Spring Break 3031123 678910 April 20151314151617 2021222324 272829301 EOY 45678 May 20151112131415 1819202122 2526272829 PBA: Performance Based Assessment EOY: End-of-Year Assessment

8 Computer-Based Testing (CBT) May schedule a grade cohort anywhere within the window Grade cohort (or course) must test same unit/session in the same day At the same time Back-to-back Morning and afternoon Make up testing must be completed within the window Scheduling PARCC

9 Number of units will not change from field test Final unit times are pending Will not be longer than the field test times Session time plus additional time Will be administered in order May schedule 2 units in a day Scheduling PARCC

10 Grades 3 and 4 example using field test times* * Includes unit time and additional time. Final operational unit times TBA in September. Units to be administered within the PBA window

11 Scheduling PARCC PBA example*: school with grades 3 and 4 with 1:1 ratio *Examples use field test times. Final operational unit times TBA.

12 Scheduling PARCC PBA example*: school with grades 3 and 4 with 2:1 ratio *Examples use field test times. Final operational unit times TBA.

13 Scheduling PARCC PBA example*: school with grades 3 and 4 with 2:1 ratio *Examples use field test times. Final operational unit times TBA.

14 PARCC in 2014-2015 FALL BLOCK WINDOW MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 12345 December, 201489101112PBA 1516171819Overlap 2223242526 29303112 January, 201556789EOY 1213141516 1920212223 Paper-based testing (PBT) only

15 PARCC Assessments Vocabulary shifts Test Session – A group of students testing together (as setup in PearsonAccess Next) Test Unit – The main components of each grade/subject’s test of the PBA or EOY (i.e. Literary Analysis Unit or Mathematics Unit 1). Test Section – A portion of the Test Unit (i.e. calculator section or non-calculator section). Mid-year testing - non-summative, optional assessment tool Fall Block Testing – our former mid-year testing

16 Prepare for administration Online testing Opportunity to use technology in learning New accessibility features Opportunity to practice using features New item types New scoring rubrics PARCC in 2014-2015

17 Help teachers better prepare students Common Core State Standards Item types Response methods Scoring rubrics Accessibility features PARCC in 2014-2015

18 Features for ALL Students Tools and support built into the assessment system that can be activated by any student Such as: magnification, highlighting, eliminate answer choices, line reader PARCC Accessibility


20 Accessibility Features Identified in Advance Tools and support available to all students (i.e., not limited to students with IEPs, 504 plans, or English learners) that must be selected and “turned on” prior to the assessment Examples answer masking, text-to-speech for mathematics, background/font color PARCC Accessibility


22 School personnel must be familiar with the available features well in advance of testing Students must have the opportunity to use the features available to all before operational testing Administer tutorial and practices tests PARCC Accessibility

23 PARCC Practice Test

24 PARCC ELA Practice Test

25 PARCC Tutorials

26 PARCC Modules

27 PARCC Resources Assessment information (select PARCC) Accessibility and Accommodations Manual and Appendices*: features-and-accommodations-manual features-and-accommodations-manual *the appendices are separate documents and contain vital information for planning


29 One goal of PARCC is to provide timely reporting of student performance to schools, parents, and other stakeholders In the first year of administration, standards must be set before the results can be reported In the second year of PARCC, reports may not be available before the end of the school year The ultimate goal is to provide reports as soon as possible after the EOY is completed PARCC Reporting

30 Standard setting will take place after the operational test is administered and scored PARCC testing ends in June, 2015 Standard setting is scheduled for the summer of 2015 The final performance standards will be determined in early fall of 2015 Reports should be available to schools mid- to late fall of 2015 Block* and spring PARCC Reporting * Note that block students testing in Dec. 2014, will receive results in fall of 2015


32  For students with significant cognitive disabilities  An alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards  Will replace the Alternate Portfolio in Literacy and Math  A student’s IEP team will determine if this assessment is appropriate to administer using the NCSC Participation Guidelines NCSC_Participation_Guidelines-Nov-2013.pdf NCSC_Participation_Guidelines-Nov-2013.pdf NCSC* Alternate Assessment NCSC* is pronounced like “nick-sick”

33  Math and ELA testing  Grades 3 – 8  Grade 11  Administered online  Approximately 1.5 - 2 hours per content area NCSC Alternate Assessment

34 NCSC Is More than Assessment Curriculum Instruction Assessment Professional Development

35 Curriculum Resources - What to Teach (reference materials created to reinforce educators' understanding of curriculum content) Curriculum Resources Instructional Resources - How to Teach (reference materials created to support classroom teaching) Instructional Resources presentations presentations NCSC Alternate Assessment


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