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Financial Management from a Program Perspective A workshop for Senior Finance Staff Presented By: Michael Lynch and Tisha Womack.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Management from a Program Perspective A workshop for Senior Finance Staff Presented By: Michael Lynch and Tisha Womack."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Management from a Program Perspective A workshop for Senior Finance Staff Presented By: Michael Lynch and Tisha Womack

2 Workshop Objectives  Provide Senior Financial Management Staff with an overview what Programs make up Florida’s Workforce System  Provide a general understanding of the purpose of the different programs and how they are supposed to operate  Provide a general understanding of how program policy flows  Provide an understanding of why financial staff need to understand programs  Provide information on how program and financial staff can and should work together

3 Office of Workforce Program Support Wagner- Peyser Veterans Services Military Family Employment Advocacy Program Re- Employment Services Workforce Investment Act Welfare Transition Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Trade Adjustment Assistance Displaced Homemaker WOTC Disability Navigator Other programs

4 Page 4


6 Chapter 445, Section 20.50, Florida Statutes, creates a three-tiered workforce system.  Workforce Florida, Inc., is the statewide workforce strategy and policy-setting board required by federal and state law.  The Department of Economic Opportunity is the Governor’s designated state agency for operation of federal workforce programs, recipient of federal grant awards and the administrative entity for Florida’s workforce system.  Regional Workforce Boards are local, business-led, demand- driven boards that develop local strategy and policy and oversee service delivery of One-Stop Career Centers by providing services directly or through competitively procured service providers

7 Florida’s Workforce System Program Development & Guidance Performance Management & Oversight Federal Performance & Financial Reporting Compliance & Financial Monitoring Technical Assistance & Support Workforce Staff Training & Development Labor Market Statistics Reemployment Services Program Development & Guidance Performance Management & Oversight Federal Performance & Financial Reporting Compliance & Financial Monitoring Technical Assistance & Support Workforce Staff Training & Development Labor Market Statistics Reemployment Services Operation of Local One-Stop Career Centers Workforce Service Delivery to Job Seekers and Employers Local Workforce Plan Development & Implementation Local Compliance & Financial Oversight and Accountability Local Workforce Performance & Financial Tracking and Reporting Operation of Local One-Stop Career Centers Workforce Service Delivery to Job Seekers and Employers Local Workforce Plan Development & Implementation Local Compliance & Financial Oversight and Accountability Local Workforce Performance & Financial Tracking and Reporting Workforce Florida, Inc. Department of Economic Opportunity 24 Regional Workforce Boards Strategic Planning Research & Development Policy Direction Budget Approval Funding Allocations Chartering Regional Boards Local Workforce Board Plan Approval Strategic Planning Research & Development Policy Direction Budget Approval Funding Allocations Chartering Regional Boards Local Workforce Board Plan Approval Policy Administration and Operation Local Delivery System

8 Florida’s Workforce System  Florida’s workforce delivery system is a dynamic demand-driven network that provides an array of workforce services to Employers and Job Seekers.  Services are provided via a network of One-Stop Career Centers under the direction of Florida’s 24 Regional Workforce Boards.  Both Business and Job Applicant Services are provided



11 Workforce Florida  Strategic Planning  Research & Development  Policy Direction  Budget Approval  Funding Allocations  Chartering Regional Boards  Local Workforce Board Plan Approval

12 Department of Economic Opportunity  Program Development & Guidance  Performance Management & Oversight  Federal Performance & Financial Reporting  Compliance & Financial Monitoring  Technical Assistance & Support  Workforce Staff Training & Development  Labor Market Information

13 Regional Workforce Boards  Operation of local One-Stop Career Centers  Workforce Service Delivery to Job Seekers and Employers  Local Workforce Plan Development & Implementation  Local Compliance & Financial Oversight and Accountability  Local Workforce Performance & Financial Tracking and Reporting

14 One-Stop Provider Does All

15  485.5 authorized FTEs assigned to the RWBs 158 of those are Vet Staff who work only with Vets Remaining are primarily funded with Wagner- Peyser (Employment Services) funding A few are assigned to the federal Trade Act Program  An additional 150+ OPS temporary staff (cannot be Vets Staff)  These staff form the backbone for day to day one-stop operations Overview of Joint-Managed Staffing

16 Areas where Finance and Program Staff should Interact  Understanding how funds are allocated  Discretionary Funding/Proposal Development  Development of Budgets/Management of Budgets (ITAs)  Personnel costs versus infrastructure costs  Cost allocation  Monitoring and Management  Performance and Closeout

17 Areas where Finance and Program Staff should Interact  Program Management (who calls the shots)  Preparation of reports Board Level Staff Level  Performance Reviews  Monitoring Reviews  Funding decisions

18 Open Discussion Questions and Answers

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