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Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 BuyWays Upgrade Classic vs. Phoenix Contracts & Compliance.

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1 Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 BuyWays Upgrade Classic vs. Phoenix Contracts & Compliance

2 Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 BuyWays Upgrade ▸BuyWays will enable a new user interface called Phoenix in January 2014. ▸SciQuest has a long term commitment to enhance the interface to create a better overall user experience. ▸Current Classic interface – tab-driven menu that is always present across the top of the page. ▸New Phoenix interface – features a slide-out menu. – menu items stay out of the way until they are needed for a cleaner, less cluttered site.

3 Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 New Icons New Menu

4 Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 BuyWays Upgrade Monday, November 25th: All BuyWays users will receive: ▸Instructions for switching from the current Classic Interface to the new Phoenix Interface ▸A description of the system functions that have changed Optional drop in training will be available on the following dates: ▸Wednesday, December 4 th @10:00 and @2:00 ▸Wednesday, December 11 th @2:00 If you have any questions, please call the Procurement Help Line @7-5060.

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