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Today’s Agenda Introduction Syllabus Review Minute Discussion Questions and Answers.

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2 Today’s Agenda Introduction Syllabus Review Minute Discussion Questions and Answers

3 Status of Today’s Companies DRIPDRIP ataata ichich ooroor nfonfo

4 Contact Information Office hours: 9:00-10:00 M, 10:00-11:00 F in office and 9:00-9:30 am T R in 275 FLH E-mail: Phone: 644-8437 Help Desk hours and location TBA

5 Required Materials Text: Business Statistics: A Decision- Making Approach, 5 th edition, Groebner, D.F., Shannon, P.W., Fry, P.C., and Smith, K.D. Student Solution Manual is optional Calculator that can do statistical calculations in at least one variable.

6 Mission Statement The purpose of this course is to provide you with the opportunity to see how a statistical focus on business processes improves quality, productivity, and an organization's competitive position.

7 Grading: Grade Composition Recitation 50 Analysis Assign100 Three Exams 450 Final Exam200 Project200 Total 1000

8 Grading Scale A930 - 1000C730 - 769 A-900 - 929C-700 - 729 B+870 - 899D+670 - 699 B830 - 869D630 - 669 B-800 - 829D-600 - 629 C+770 - 799F 0 - 599

9 General Information Prerequisite: MAC 1105 or its equivalent. Course objectives Students with disabilities Tentative lecture schedule Lecture considerations Customer feedback Homework

10 General Information Recitation sections Data analysis assignments Computer labs Project One-Hour exams Final exam Missed exams and quizzes

11 General Information Late assignments and projects Grade complaints Academic honor system

12 Minute Discussion Pick a partner Take one minute –to discuss what you wanted out of today’s class, –whether or not you got it, and –additional questions you may have Questions????????

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