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陕西省汉中市四〇五学校 陈敏. word text knowledge note experiment.

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1 陕西省汉中市四〇五学校 陈敏


3 word text knowledge note experiment


5 THINK ABOUT IT! Do you think science is interesting? How many expriments have we learned in the last few lessons of this unit? Name one or two famous Chinese scientist. What do you know about them?(If you can’t speak in English you can speak in Chinese)





10 1.Light the candle. light* [V.] 意为 “ 点燃 ”.eg:Let’s light the fire. * [n.] 意为, 灯, 光, 光线 ”eg:This light is too poor to read by. * [adj.] 意为 ; 轻的, 不重的 ”eg:That case is too light the little girl can carry it. 2.It uses up oxyge in the air. Use up 意为;耗尽,耗费 eg:We have used up the matches.

11 4. There is about one-fifth oxygen in the air, so the water rises and fills about one-fifth of the jar. 分数的表达方式:分子基,分母序,分子 大于1.分母加 s. eg: 1/2 one second 2/3 two thirds

12 3.There is about one-fifth oxygen in the air. 分数的表达形式:分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表 示,当分子大于 1 时要在分母的序数词后加 “s” ,概括为 口诀:分子基,分母序。分子 >1 ,分母加 s. eg:1/2=one(a) half 或 one second(one-second) 1/3=one third 或 (one-third) 2/3=two third 或 (teo-third) 1/4=one/a quarter 或 (one-quarter) 3/4=three quarters 或 (three-quarters) 3/5=three fifths 或 (three-fifths)



15 Read the text and fill in the blanks. Let ’ s do an experiment. First find a_____ then put it in _________. Where is the candleholder? Put it in the____. _____ the dish_____ full of water. After that, we can_____ the candle. Let the candle_____ for two or three minutes. At last put the jar____ the candle. What can we see? As the candle burns, it____ up oxygen in the air. When the candle stops_______, it has used up all the oxygen. The water inside the jar goes____. candle candleholder dishFill half lightburn over uses burning up

16 1. 蜡烛燃烧时,会用光空气中的氧气。 As the candle burns,it__ __ oxygen__ __ __. 2. 现在瓶子里空气中大约有五分之二的氧气。 Now there __ about __oxygen in the air of the bottle. 3.(2005, 河北,46) This is a big class,and __of the students are girls. A.Two third B.secone three C.two thirds D.two three

17 1.Learn the words and expressions by heart. 2.Finish off exercise book for lesson 30 3.Do the experiment for lesson 30

18 1. New words in the lesson; 2. Do the experiment in lesson 27--- Weird Mud; 3. Exercise Book.








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