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Presentation on theme: "400pt 600 pt 800pt 1000pt 200pt 400 pt 600pt 800pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400pt 600 pt 800pt 1000 pt 200pt 400pt 600pt 800 pt 1000pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800pt."— Presentation transcript:

1 400pt 600 pt 800pt 1000pt 200pt 400 pt 600pt 800pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400pt 600 pt 800pt 1000 pt 200pt 400pt 600pt 800 pt 1000pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800pt 1000 pt 200pt Colonial Period Representative Government Relationship & The Colonies Government Laws Rules English

2 A time period in which many Europeans explored the Americas between 1500 – 1600’s.

3 What is the Colonial Period or Age of Exploration? 2-3

4 Many of the early Colonists who settled in the 13 colonies of North America were this nationality.

5 Who are the English or British? 4-5

6 These were established, or colonized, and governed by the Colonists in North America.

7 What are the 13 colonies? 6-7

8 The two ideas about government the colonists brought with them from England.

9 What is Limited and Representative Government? 8-9

10 Forces Colonist to house British troops.

11 What is the Quartering Act ? 10-11

12 Event in which the Colonist dress as Mohawk Indian.

13 What is the Boston Tea Party? 12-13

14 The document which limited the powers of King John in 1215.

15 What is the Magna Carta? 14-15

16 The three basic rights to be protected under the Magna Carta.

17 What are Life, Liberty and Property? 16-17

18 Parliament forced King Charles I to sign this document which further limited his power.

19 What is the Petition of Right? 18-19

20 William and Mary were crowned during this period, or revolution, in English History.

21 What is the Glorious Revolution? 20-21

22 Tax on paper, glass, and paint.

23 What is the Townshend Act ? 22-23

24 The two chambers in the British Parliament.

25 What is the House of Lords and House of Commons? 24-25

26 This chamber consists of members of the Aristocracy who inherit legislative seats in British government.

27 What is the House of Lords? 26-27

28 This chamber consists of members of the working class, merchants and small property owners in British government

29 What is the House of Commons? 28-29

30 A legislature with two chambers or houses.

31 What is a bi-cameral legislature? 30-31

32 A time period in which intellectuals wrote about government and theorize concepts.

33 What is the Enlightenment Period? 32-33

34 The founder of the political concept based on Consent or Agreement and the name of that theory.

35 Who is John Locke and What is the Social Contract theory? 34-35

36 Name the three Proprietary colonies.

37 What are Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Maryland? 36-37

38 Protest Group led by Samuel Adams.

39 Who are the Sons of Liberty? 38-39

40 The First written Constitution in America, not the United States.

41 What is the Mayflower Compact? 40-41

42 The first law-making body in America.

43 What is the Virginia House of Burgesses? 42-43

44 The concept that power will be divided among the Executive and Legislative branch.

45 What is Separation of power, or checks and balances? 43-44

46 Hands-off Policy by England towards the colonies.

47 What is Salutary Neglect? 45-46

48 This event led to an increase in British debt and the imposition of taxes by the British on the Colonists.

49 What is the French and Indian War? 47-48

50 If I am to pay money to government, but my voice is not heard.

51 What is “Taxation without representation? 49-50

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