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Vocabulary Context Clues Vocabulary understanding is the best predictor of reading comprehension. is the best predictor of reading comprehension.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Context Clues Vocabulary understanding is the best predictor of reading comprehension. is the best predictor of reading comprehension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Context Clues Vocabulary understanding is the best predictor of reading comprehension. is the best predictor of reading comprehension.

2 Vocabulary Context Clues 1. Context = what comes before and after the word. 2. Context Clues= hints given about word meaning.

3 Types of Context Clues 1. Restatement Clue = uses different words to state same concept Ex: Anya was indignant— really, really angry—that the bus left without Ex: Please shred the cabbage for the cole slaw by cutting it into long strips

4 Types of Context Clues (cont.) 2. Synonym= a word or phrase that means almost the same as the unknown If you know the meaning of one word or phrase, you can guess the meaning of the other. Ex: Although the salesperson tried to assuage the angry customer, there was no way to soothe her

5 Types of Context Clues (cont.) 3. Antonym= opposite ideas are given Ex: Many politicians do not give succinct answers. They prefer long ones that help them avoid the succinct= brief; short Words with opposite meanings are called antonyms. Ex: cold/hot light/dark heavy/light

6 Types of Context Clues (cont.) 4. Example Clue = if you understand the examples given, you may be able to figure out the word meaning. Ex: Children who move to a foreign country adapt more easily than their parents, soon picking up the language and customs of their new home. Adapt= adjust Ex: Nocturnal creatures, such as bats and owls, can function in the dark. Nocturnal= active at night

7 Types of Context Clues (cont.) 5. Inference or General Sense Clue = figure out the meaning by reasoning from the information provided by the context. An inference is an educated (use the information given) guess. Ex: The car wash we organized we a fiasco- it rained all day. What is a fiasco? What were the clues? Ex: Tom doesn’t want to tell Sam about the entire movie, so he just have him the gist of the story. What is gist mean? What are the clues?


9 Types of Context Clues Reviewed 1.Restatement Clue 2.Synonym Clue 3. Antonym Clue 4. Example Clue 5. Inference or General Sense Clue

10 QUIZ Read the sentence and predict the meaning of the underlined word: 1. It was so gliff outside, I had to wear two sweaters and a jacket! “Gliff” most likely means: A.Warm B.cold C.bright D.dark

11 QUIZ In the following sentence, what does the italicized word mean?, and What type of context clue did you use? 2.The sociology professor commented that the ideas in my paper were too ambiguous, that is, vague or too general.

12 QUIZ In the following sentence, what does the italicized word mean?, and What type of context clue did you use? 3. Many species went extinct for unknown reasons. For example, dinosaurs are no longer found on earth.

13 QUIZ In the following sentence, what does the italicized word mean?, and What type of context clue did you use? 4. In the earthquake, many victims were killed or injured and many children became orphaned.

14 QUIZ In the following sentence, what does the italicized word mean?, and What type of context clue did you use? 5. In contrast to Mary’s joyfulness, John’s despondency really worries his parents.

15 The End!

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