Panorama Special Areas Internet Research 272.024Web Space Workshop Javier Moreno Molina Matrikelnummer 0627190.

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Presentation on theme: "Panorama Special Areas Internet Research 272.024Web Space Workshop Javier Moreno Molina Matrikelnummer 0627190."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panorama Special Areas Internet Research 272.024Web Space Workshop Javier Moreno Molina Matrikelnummer 0627190

2 Introduction What is a panorama picture?  An image which covers wider angle than usual How can it be obtained?  By stitching several photos  By using special lenses

3 Stitching vs Special Lenses Stitching permits larger resolution: each photo can be taken with the largest resolution. There are special lenses who even take 360º images in one shot. This makes things easy when there is a lot of movement.

4 Special Applications Tourist information and advertisings (hotels, landscapes…) Underwater photography Outer space photography

5 Why those applications? Tourist information: eye-catching, marketing technique Underwater and outer space:  Reflect better the environment  Realistic when there is no clear surface.

6 Underwater Panorama Very difficult to gather  High diver skills  Large amount of photos (movement)  Special underwater equipment Example: 

7 Underwater Panorama (2) What you need:  Camera prepared for underwater  Tripod  Underwater lighting  Diving buddy  Patience  You must be an experienced diver

8 Outer Space Panorama Photos are not taken manually Usually taken with special panorama cameras Example:  Panorama images from Mars, taken by the NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit it/index.html it/index.html

9 Outer Space Panorama (2) Collecting photos for panorama takes a long time Resulting panorama pictures are large sized The highest fidelity image from Mars needed 1.449 Pancam images (500 MBytes in raw data)

10 Sources

11 Thank you for your attention

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