V. Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics. Contents 1. State of Stress in Moving Fluid 2. Equations of Motion 3. Bernoulli Equation.

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Presentation on theme: "V. Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics. Contents 1. State of Stress in Moving Fluid 2. Equations of Motion 3. Bernoulli Equation."— Presentation transcript:

1 V. Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics

2 Contents 1. State of Stress in Moving Fluid 2. Equations of Motion 3. Bernoulli Equation

3 1. State of Stress in Moving Fluid

4 State of Stress in Static Fluid

5 State of Stress in Moving Fluid



8 Body force and inertia force are of higher order


10 Mean pressure

11 Constitutive Equation of Newtonian Fluid

12 2. Equation of Motion

13 External force acting on the control volume Net inflow of momentum through the surface of control volume Increase of momentum within the control volume per unit time Conservation of Momentum

14 Increase of momentum within the control volume

15 Net inflow of (x) momentum through the surface of control volume


17 Net inflow of momentum through the surface of control volume

18 External (x) force acting on the control volume



21 Conservation of Momentum


23 Equation of Motion

24 Navier-Stokes Equation

25 Navier-Stokes Equations

26 Governing Equations of Incompressible Fluid Motion

27 Governing Equations of Static Fluid Automatically satisfied

28 Governing Equations of Ideal Fluid Flows Euler Equation

29 3. Bernolli Equation

30 Bernoulli Equation for Irrotational Flows Basic Assumptions:  Fluid is inviscid  Fluid is incompressible  Force has potential  Flow is irrotational

31 Bernoulli Equation for Irrotational Flows




35 For steady flow under gravity

36 In static fluid under gravity

37 Bernoulli Equation for Steady Flows Basic Assumptions:  Fluid is inviscid  Fluid is incompressible  Force has potential  Flow is steady

38 Bernoulli Equation for Steady Flows



41 For flows under gravity

42 Velocity head Pressure head Position head Piezometric head

43 Kinetic Energy Pressure Potential Energy Gravity Potential Energy

44 1 2

45 L

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