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INTRODUCTORY Tutorial 9 Creating Frames. XP New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS2 Objectives Decide when to use frames for a Web site Learn.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTORY Tutorial 9 Creating Frames. XP New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS2 Objectives Decide when to use frames for a Web site Learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRODUCTORY Tutorial 9 Creating Frames

2 XP New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS2 Objectives Decide when to use frames for a Web site Learn the components of framesets Create a frameset document Size frameset windows Target individual frame windows

3 XP Objectives Identify the purpose of inline frames Create an inline frame Target an inline frame window Use the meta tag to create a slide show New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS3

4 XP Using Frames on a Web Page Frames divide a Web page into several windows called frames – Each frame allows you to see a different Web page in the same browser window To create frames, you first need to create a frameset document Frames are similar to tables in that frames establish rows and columns The frameset document uses the tags New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS4

5 XP Creating a Row Frameset To create a rows frameset, enter the following code: where value1 is the height of the first row, value2 is the height of the second row, and so forth. The values should be expressed as a percentage Optionally, use the (*) wildcard character as the last value or if the rows will be of equal height New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS5

6 XP Creating Frames To create frames, enter the following code: where filename is the name of the file that will be displayed in the frame and framename is the name of the frame New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS6

7 XP Creating Frames New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS7

8 XP Creating a Column Frameset To create a columns frameset, enter the following code: where value1 is the width of the first column, and value2 is the width of the second column, and so forth. The values should be expressed as a percentage Optionally, use the (*) wildcard character as the last value or if the columns will be of equal width New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS8

9 XP Creating a Column Frameset New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS9

10 XP Opening a Document in a Specific Frame By default, a link in a frameset document will open in the same frame Use the target attribute in the tag – The target attribute should be set to the name of the frame in which you wish to open the Web page New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS10

11 XP Using Magic Targets Magic targets have special meanings in HTML – _top – _blank – _self The base tag automates the process of targeting links New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS11

12 XP Controlling Scrollbars and the Frame Size To control the appearance of scrollbars and the size of a frame, enter the following code: <frame src="filename.htm" scrolling="scroll_value" noresize="noresize" /> where scroll_value is either auto, yes, or no, and noresize has a value of noresize to disable screen resizing. New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS12

13 XP Controlling Scrollbars and the Frame Size New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS13

14 XP The border Attribute Eliminating borders creates a less cluttered look to the screen – Seamless frames New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS14

15 XP Controlling the Frame Height and Width To control the height and width of a frame, enter the following code: where value is the height of the frame in pixels and value2 is the width of the frame in pixels New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS15

16 XP Controlling the Frame Height and Width New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS16

17 XP Frameset Attributes and Values New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS17

18 XP Frameset Attributes and Values New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS18

19 XP Frameset Attributes and Values New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS19

20 XP Creating Inline Frames Inline frames create a frame window within a document without your having to create a frameset To create an inline frame, enter the following code: where filename is the name of the file that will initially be displayed in the inline frames window and target_name is the name of the inline frames window New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS20

21 XP Creating Inline Frames New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS21

22 XP Document Type Definitions New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS22

23 XP Using the meta Tag to Create a Slide Show To create a slide show, enter the following code: where number_seconds is the number of seconds you want as the interval until the next file is displayed and filename is the name of the next file to be displayed in the slide show New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS23

24 XP The Future of Frames New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS24

25 XP The iframe Attributes New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS25

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