ParsonMath Diagnostic Assessment Teacher Recording Sheet and Directions If a student misses two or more on a task under each heading, discontinue the task.

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Presentation on theme: "ParsonMath Diagnostic Assessment Teacher Recording Sheet and Directions If a student misses two or more on a task under each heading, discontinue the task."— Presentation transcript:

1 ParsonMath Diagnostic Assessment Teacher Recording Sheet and Directions If a student misses two or more on a task under each heading, discontinue the task and move to the next heading. Consider any area that the student misses two or more a deficit an area to work on for intervention. Consider also what is required for your grade level and do not administer any part of the diagnostic that is not required at your grade level. Consider the time of the year the assessment is given and the standards that have been covered. Materials: unfix cubes, base ten blocks, student answer sheet Name_____________________________ Grade_________________ Task 1: Ask student to count to one hundred. Record the highest number reached without mistake or stopping more than 2 seconds. Date Task 2: Show the student the following amount of cubes. Have them count and write the number. Circle any numbers they got incorrect. Date 6 4 12 18 COUNTING AND CARDINALITY TASK 3: Say, “Please show me the amount of cubes for the number ___”. Record if the student was able to count and provide the amount of objects requested. Date 368 1319 368 1319 368 1319 368 1319

2 TASK 4: Say the following numbers and have students write the number. Date 26 52 325 560 1245 5430 10,232 41,450 625,345 919, 504 1,804,312 Notes: COMPARING NUMBERS TASK 5: Show the student two piles of cubes with the numbers below. Say,“Which pile of cubes is more and which one is less?”Ask, “How do you know which one is more or less?” They should be able to demonstrate that they know 4 is more than 2 or 2 is less than 4 by counting or telling. Date 2___4 8___10 18___13

3 TASK 6: Ask the student to use the, = symbols to complete the numbers sentences on the Student Answer Sheet. Notes: ADDITION & SUBTRACTION TASK 7: The Hiding Assessment Get 10 unfix cubes. Use 2 and put the rest aside. Hide 1 under your hand and ask the student, “How many are missing?” If the student does not get this discontinue and the student’s “practice number” is 2. If the student gets it correct, do the same thing with the number 3. Record the student’s answer in the chart below. Continue moving to a higher number. Once the student misses 2 this number their “practice number”. 3Date 1 2 0 3 4 2 1 3 4 0

4 5 4 2 5 1 3 0 6 3 2 5 0 1 4 6 7 1 2 0 3 4 7 6 5

5 8 2 1 3 4 0 8 5 6 7 9 4 2 9 1 3 0 5 8 6 7

6 10Date 3 2 5 0 1 4 6 10 8 7 6 TASK 8: Tell students the doubles facts below. They must know them within 2 seconds and without using fingers to be counted as correct. Date 3+3 1+1 2+2 8+8 4+4 10+10 6+6 5+5 7+7 9+9

7 TASK 9-13 ARE ON THE STUDENT ANSWER SHEET TASK 9: Ask the student to make four problems using addition and subtraction using only the numbers given. TASK 10: Adding without regrouping TASK 11: Subtraction without regrouping TASK 12: Adding with regrouping TASK 13: Subtraction with regrouping Notes: PATTERNS IN NUMBERS TASK 14: Ask the student to skip count by 10’s and 5’s to 100 Date 10’S 5’S TASK 15: Complete on Student Answer Sheet. Say, “Identify the missing number in the pattern and the rule.” Notes:

8 BASE 10 TASK 16: Grouping 10’s Show student the following number of connecting cubes and say, “How many tens do you think you can make?” Record their answer in the table below. Then say, “ Show me how tens you can actually make.” Record their answer in the table below. Then, say, “How many are left over?” Record in the table below. E-Estimate; A- Actual; LO – Left Over Date EALOEA EA EA 8 13 29 35 TASK 17: Show base ten blocks for the numbers below. Say, “Tell me the number that represents these blocks.” Date 6 16 34 78 120 324 572 1,235

9 TASK 18: Give the student base ten blocks. Say, “Show me base ten blocks to represent the number I tell you.” Date 4 15 28 82 130 342 674 1,343 Notes:

10 MULTIPLICATION & DIVISION TASK 19: On the Student Answer Sheet, say, “Draw a picture to represent the multiplication problem.” TASK 20: On the Student Answer Sheet, say, “Write an addition sentence for the multiplication problems.” TASK 21: Say, “What strategy can you use to solve any number times ___?” Fill in the blank with 0-4, 5, 9 Example answers: 0- Anything times zero is zero. 1- Anything times 1 is the other number. 2- Anything times 2 is just the other number doubled 3- Anything times 3 is just the other number tripled or doubled plus one more. 4- Anything times 4 is just two double added together. 5- Anything times 5 is easy because I just have to count by fives eight times 6- I can use the 6 trick to figure it out. 9 – I can use the 9 trick to figure it out. TASK 22: On the Student Answer Sheet, ask the student to make four problems using multiplication and division using only these numbers. TASK 23: multiplying multi-digit numbers TASK 24: Divide multi-digit numbers (ADD LINE FOR DIVISION ON STUDENT ANSWER SHEET) Notes:

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