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QUALITY OF WORK LIFE Presented by, Abenaya.P.

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1 QUALITY OF WORK LIFE Presented by, Abenaya.P

2 Q.W.L Quality of relationship between employees & total working environment It is a process by which an organization responds to employee needs

3 OBJECTIVES To create a positive attitude To increase productivity
To improve standard of living of the people To increase the effectiveness of the organization

4 DEFINITION Q.W.L is having a work environment where an employees activities become more important. This means implementing procedures or policies that make the work less routine and more rewarding for the employee. These procedures or policies include autonomy, recognition, belongingness, development and external rewards

5 Approach of managing people.
Considers people as an ‘assets’ to the organization rather than as ‘costs’. It believes that people perform better when they are allowed to participate in managing their work and make decisions

6 Motivates people by satisfying not only their economic needs but also their social and psychological ones. Organizations need to concentrate on job designs and organization of work. Strike a balance between career and personal lives.

7 There exists a relationship between Q.W.L and productivity
Fact : Johnson & Johnson, for example, reported that its employees who used flextime and family leave were absent 50 % fewer days than its regular workforce.

8 Worldwide Apple Computers office has a meditation room and employees are given 30 minutes to meditate or pray. Marriott International’s 10,000 workers dedicate a day of service to their local communities each year IBM funds childcare centers at 60 of its locations Intel offers 22 weeks of maternity leave SAS has low absenteeism and only 3% turnover due to no-lay-off policy, 35-hour workweeks, flexitime and on site amenities like Gym, medical clinic and message therapists.

9 Companies practicing Quality of Work Life
General Motors Ford Motors with UAW XEROX IBM BHEL TISCO

10 Low Q.W.L Results of low Q.W.L are absenteeism, low performance, poor morale and occasional sabotage. Ultimately it is the organization that suffers.

11 Measuring of Q.W.L Questionnaires and interviews
In General Motors the management gives a questionnaire of 16 critical dimensions of Q.W.L to its employees each year The responses are then used to measure the employees’ perception of their work life

12 Barriers to Q.W.L Resistance to change both by Management and employees perception of high cost Continuous increase in Q.W.L may result in less productivity, i.e., after a certain level the productivity will not increase in proportion to the increase in Q.W.L

13 ISSUES IN Q.W.L Pay Benefits Job security Alternative work schedules
Flexitime Staggered hours Compressed workweek Job enrichment Autonomous work groups

14 ISSUES IN Q.W.L(Cntd…) Occupational stress Worker participation
Social integration Work and total life space

15 IMPROVING QWL Employment conditions Equitable rewards Job security
Safety, health,… Equitable rewards Pay, incentives,… Job security Enhancing self esteem Participative climate and team work

16 Providing training Autonomy to draw resources Recognition Congenial worker-supervisor relationship Job redesign and job enrichment Open and transparent management style Atmosphere of trust and open communication

17 CONCLUSION Quality work life basically is all about employee involvement, which consists of methods to motivate employees to participate in decision making. This help in building in good relationship To retain a good talent ,organization should have low stress level and high quality of work life.

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