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Polling Tool Part 2 Action Script and Flash CIS 254.

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Presentation on theme: "Polling Tool Part 2 Action Script and Flash CIS 254."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polling Tool Part 2 Action Script and Flash CIS 254

2 Review from Last Class SQL Table –INTpoll PHP Files –Connect PHP –Add Polls –Load Poll Data –Vote For

3 Using the Polling Tool Get from Open Flash Poll.fla

4 Project Layers CoverChart Graphs Cover Booths Outline Text Voting Booth Forms Thinking Functions Notes Actions

5 Functions Layer Functions - This is what controls the whole movie. Function AddPolls(): Populates Drop Down Menu with Poll Listings and then allows A user to select from that list. function AddPolls() { for (i=0; i<NumPolls; i++) { var pollName = eval("PollName"+i); var pollID = eval("PollID"+i); PollSelect.addItem(pollName, pollID); }

6 Change Handler Set ChangeHandler PollSelect.setChangeHandler("SelectPoll") ; _root.Status = "Select a Poll: Please take some time to answer our survey - You can only Vote once."; }

7 Select Poll Function Function SelectPoll(): Tells the movie what to do when a user has selected a Poll. Then loads the corresponding data for that Poll. function SelectPoll(){ PollName = PollSelect.getSelectedItem().label; PollID = PollSelect.getSelectedItem().data; _root.Status = "Loading information for "+PollName+" "; _root.Go = ""; _root.Thinking.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.CoverChart.gotoAndStop(1); loadVariables(PathToPHP+"LoadPollData.php?PollID="+PollID, _root); }

8 Set Poll Function Function setPollData(): Just dynamically sets the Radio Buttons with the current selection choices from the database. function setPollData() { radioGroup.setChangeHandler("vote"); CheckBox1.setLabel(Selection1); CheckBox1.setData("Votes1"); CheckBox2.setLabel(Selection2); CheckBox2.setData("Votes2"); CheckBox3.setLabel(Selection3); CheckBox3.setData("Votes3"); CheckBox4.setLabel(Selection4); CheckBox4.setData("Votes4"); QuestionNew = Question; _root.CoverBooth.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Status = "You can now Vote for "+PollName+" Category"; voteButton.setClickHandler("voteNow"); }

9 Vote Now Function Function voteNow(): This is what actually sends the users choice to the database and increments the total votes for that selection by 1. function voteNow() { if (radioGroup.getValue() ne "") { _root.Go = ""; _root.Thinking.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.CoverBooth.gotoAndStop(1); Status = "Thank you for you vote - We are currently checking to see if you have already voted - and updating"; loadVariables(PathToPHP+"VoteFor.php?PollID="+PollID+"&Vote="+r adioGroup.getValue(), _root); } else { _root.Status = "Please Select a Category to vote for"; }

10 Select Chart Function (1) Function createChart(): This creates the Charts assigns values for the title and x and y values. function createChart() { Set Chart Titles - You can also set other properties here if you feel like it. myBarChart.setChartTitle("Results"); myPieChart.setChartTitle("Results");

11 Select Chart (2) Set Data Provider The Selection variables are from an earlier database query - the updated values where just returned. var pollData = new DataProviderClass(); var items = new Array({label: Selection1+"("+VotesNew1+")", value: VotesNew1}, {label: Selection2+"("+VotesNew2+")", value: VotesNew2}, {label: Selection3+"("+VotesNew3+")", value: VotesNew3}, {label: Selection4+"("+VotesNew4+")", value: VotesNew4}); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { pollData.addItem(items[i]); }

12 Chart Function (3) Assign Data Provider to Bar and Pie Chart. myBarChart.setDataProvider(pollData); myPieChart.setDataProvider(pollData); myBarChart.sortItemsBy("value", "DESC"); myPieChart.sortItemsBy("value", "DESC"); }

13 Actions Layer This line sets the Top status - aka name of Charting app. TopStatus = "Voting Booth: Please take some time to answer are survey."; Path to PHP files - Leave this as Blank if the Flash movie is in the same directory as the PHP scripts. If your PHP files are in a different folder then your Movie - change this path to that folder PathToPHP = ""; _root.Go = ""; _root.Status = "Loading current Question and Poll Data..."; _root.Thinking.gotoAndPlay(2); loadVariables(PathToPHP+"AddPolls.php", _root); stop();

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