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Wind Asha H. February 16, 2011 Block 3.1 Asha H. February 16, 2011 Block 3.1.

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Presentation on theme: "Wind Asha H. February 16, 2011 Block 3.1 Asha H. February 16, 2011 Block 3.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wind Asha H. February 16, 2011 Block 3.1 Asha H. February 16, 2011 Block 3.1

2 Introduction of wind Wind is moving air. It is used to make electricity.

3 Renewable or not It is renewable because it will always be windy. The reason is because the sun will always shine everywhere. So while the sun shines there will always be wind.

4 location  It is everywhere but mostly near the ocean, hills, and plains. ulty/ozsvath/review_question s/Pictures/us_wind_power.gif

5 Recovery We use wind turbines.The way the turbines capture the energy is the turbine gets pushed by the wind. So the turbine spins the generator. http://www- turbine.jpg

6 Use To make electricity.

7 Environment It does not effect the air or environment. But kills flying animals.

8 Advantages & Disadvantages Wind is not predictable.some days there’s no wind. Can kill birds. Its free, no waste,a good way to supply energy to remote areas.

9 nn/Images/WindClipArt.JPG

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