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General News DT Buildings New Tasks - Projects Other items 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI.

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Presentation on theme: "General News DT Buildings New Tasks - Projects Other items 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI."— Presentation transcript:

1 General News DT Buildings New Tasks - Projects Other items 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI

2 Retirement age. Idea of voluntary increase of retirement age (up to 67) for existing staff will not be implemented. As of 1/1/2012 newly recruited staff will need to work until 67 in order to have full pension. New Mars. Behavioral competencies, shorter appraisal, more example-based Everyone to attend workshop/meeting about the new Mars procedure Mid-MARS 3 interviews with Mar-Gert Instructive Quite a few changes to objectives, descriptions, percentages… Requests for 2012 budgets to be submitted by 14 November PH Investment budget. Green light to purchase the proposed items for in total 76 kCHF (Felix: order on the account 33004 and forward the orders to FH for signature) LD to IC contracts: Autumn 2011 exercise: 35 slots, of which 1 for DT (Electromechanical Technician). 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI

3 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI

4 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI DT geographical regrouping. Working group (CJ, FH, CHD, MC, BG) operational, discussions with DT lab and service responsibles. Ideas become more concrete and appear to converge. Long-term project Immediate objective: estimate cost, get the green light for the project

5 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI

6 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI Toilets/showers Lifts/stairs Across all floors

7 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI Floor 0 (Ground floor)

8 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI Floor 1

9 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI Floor 3 Floor 2

10 Increase of mechanical workshop New coffee room 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI

11 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI Core DI activities Projects > matrix organization > we pull all from the same resources! Need to set up WPs or Task Agreements Projects should not be started unless an agreement has been reached, budget code defined and hierarchy is well informed When FSU involvement: set up Jobs, Bordereau, … Gert for electro-mechanical, Sylvain for IT MCP Current Team Involvement: ALFA, TOTEM AEgIS ArDM nSQP COMPASS E-Gun Plus the usual core activity (4 LHC experiment magnets)

12 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI Short Project Description DT Contact Person Experiment Contact Person DT Responsibility in the Project, Deliverables Describe here what DT is expected to provide and achieve Deliverable 1 Deliverable 2, etc Estimated Duration Estimated Resources DT staff: Add names, %, and tasks FSU Involvement : Estimate the nbr of FSU hours needed (~ 46 CHF/h/person) Personnel Contribution from the Experiment: Names, tasks… Material Cost – Who pays what, budget codes Notes : Add here any more info if needed.

13 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI Signatures 1 page doc??

14 2011-12-02G. Olesen - PH-DT-DI

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