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Tropical rainforests: How can we save the rainforest? Lower Secondary Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Tropical rainforests: How can we save the rainforest? Lower Secondary Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tropical rainforests: How can we save the rainforest? Lower Secondary Geography

2 Section 1: What are tropical rainforests & what is deforestation? Part 1: Explain the characteristics of tropical rainforests Part 2: Explain how the rainforest adapts to tropical climate (i.e. what makes tropical rainforests different from other forests) Part 3: Explain the uses & importance of tropical rainforests Learning outcomes (Things you need to know about this topic!)

3 Climate of a tropical rainforest ________ temperature (about 27-29 deg celcius _____ rainfall (more than 2500 mm in a year

4 Location: found in areas with high temp & high rainfall Part 1 These areas are called __________________ regions Part 1: Explain the characteristics of tropical rainforests

5 Examples of tropical rainforests found in the world 0.01 square kilometres in the __________ rainforest in South America contains about 300 different species ______________ Rainforest in Borneo

6 Part 1: Explain the characteristics of tropical rainforests Thick & luxuriant ____________ forests Made up of ______________ evergreen trees Evergreen trees: do not shed all their leaves at the same time; they continuously grow new leaves to replace older ones that die

7 ______________ layer Canopy layer ___________ layer Part 2a Part 2: Explain how the rainforest adapts to tropical climate a) Structure of the tropical rainforest

8 Part 2: Explain how the rainforest adapts to tropical climate a) Structure of the tropical rainforest – the Undergrowth layer (0-20m) ______; as much of the Sun’s rays are blocked by the canopy above A layer of thin ________________ exists; caused by rapid decomposition of fallen leaves and branches in the hot & wet environment

9 Part 2: Explain how the rainforest adapts to tropical climate a) Structure of the tropical rainforest – the Undergrowth layer (0-20m) Plants have much_______ leaves to catch more of the Sun’s rays Plants are s____, t____ & widely-spaced due to lack of sunlight

10 Part 2: Explain how the rainforest adapts to tropical climate a) Structure of the tropical rainforest – the Canopy layer (20-30m) The trees in this layer grow to such heights to reach for ___________ Their crowns form an almost continuous cover (like an umbrella) Blocks about 90% of the sun’s rays from reaching the forest floor Catches much of the falling rain too

11 Part 2: Explain how the rainforest adapts to tropical climate a) Structure of the tropical rainforest – the Emergent layer (50m & above) The trees in this layer r_____ through the canopy and tower above the other trees The emergent layer is formed by the crowns of these trees.

12 Part 2: Explain how the rainforest adapts to tropical climate a) Structure of the tropical rainforest – the Emergent layer (50m & above) The trees in this layer have very ______, __________ and _________ tree trunks. They also have very few branches.

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