Professional Learning Communities AKA Purposeful Learning and Collaboration PLCs.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Learning Communities AKA Purposeful Learning and Collaboration PLCs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Learning Communities AKA Purposeful Learning and Collaboration PLCs

2 Guiding Questions What are critical pieces of PLCs? How can we improve our current PLC process?

3 PLCs Table Work What do we know about PLCs? Complete Circle Map Article Jigsaw

4 Five Keys to Successful PLCs Focus SMART Goal(s) School and team goals Purpose and Non-Purpose Purpose - Statement of what you will accomplish during each PLC. (Ex. “Today we will determine interventions for students who are not reading at grade level.) Non-Purpose – Statement of what you will NOT do during the PLC (Ex. “Our non- purpose is to discuss individual student issues today.”) Results Focus on results. What excellence occurred because of our PLC work. Objectives and Products A written statement of what you want to walk away with. (Ex. Journal rubric, common assessment for end of unit, targeted planning) Linking Link the purpose to your past work. Make it meaningful. Clarifying and Checking Perceptions Take advantage of checkpoints along the way. Self-assess, group-assess, ask…

5 Five Keys to Successful PLCs Roles and Responsibilities Facilitator Helps the team move forward and create results. Facilitator must manage the process and ensure there is a beginning, middle and end to each work session. Recorder Responsible for charting and note taking Group member Effective group members stay conscious of their actions and behaviors in the meeting. Most responsible person (MRP) Person in charge of a task to be completed or resource gathered. Everyone will be an MRP at some point. Defined roles and responsibilities may seem formal and it may be said, “We do not like to get caught up with planning and process. We just want to work.” When the team sees results, members will appreciate its structure. “Our team is focused and organized. We share roles and responsibilities and we get our work done.”

6 Five Keys to Successful PLCs Structure Agenda The road map to accomplish goals and purpose. Provides for beginning, middle and end. Charts and Visuals Allow group members to process at their own rate Placement Move certain information off to the side. Decision-Making Process Autocratic – One person will make the decision. Consultative – one person will make the decision after they have sought input. Majority – More than half of the participants agree with the proposal. Sufficient Consensus – A predetermined number of participants agree with the proposal. Your team must decide what percentage feels like sufficient consensus. PLC Consensus – All points of view have been considered, and the will of the team is evident, even to those most opposed to it. Evaluation of Your Results Check to see that you are on track. Survey once or twice a year or quick checks on on-going basis

7 Five Keys to Successful PLCs Structure Defining Norms Each team should create its own norms Norms should be stated as commitments to act or behave in certain ways rather than as beliefs Norms should be reviewed at the beginning and end of each meeting for at least 6 months Teams should formally evaluate their effectiveness at least twice a year. (Are we adhering to our norms?, Do we need to establish a new norm to address a problem occurring on our team?, Are we working interdependently to achieve our team goal?

8 Five Keys to Successful PLCs Process Grounding and Check Name, expectations and how you feel about being here Establishes model and tone for deep listening Protocols and Tools Think, Pair, Share Go-round Text or “jigsaw” Force-Field analysis – listing (as a group) the forces restraining and supporting a current situation’s improvement

9 Five Keys to Successful PLCs Behaviors and Relationships Nonverbal Communication Techniques Listen – Listen to understand first and respond second. Nod, provide eye contact, and show respect by allowing speaker to complete their thoughts Pause – Allow wait time after someone finishes to provide opportunity to gather thoughts and provide details. Adjust your voice Verbal Techniques Reframing Checking Perceptions Paraphrasing Articulating Your Point of View Working Together Effectively Interpersonal and communication skills (along with the other four keys) make a difference in team’s RESULTS!!

10 PLCs in Nature

11 PLCs What’s Hot What’s Not Clarifying both purpose and goal at the start of the meeting Using an agenda to stay focused on the meeting’s purpose Filling important roles such as facilitating and recording Calling one another’s attention to the norms Attending to the task at hand and fully participating Using processes to discuss topics, gather information, analyze, and make decisions Listening and learning from diverse points of view Praising and congratulating one another Doing the work in the room, during the meting Tackling tough issues Leaving knowing what is expected to prepare for the next meeting Discussing the same issue or student over and over Lamenting the lack of clear directions about the work Listening to one or two people do most of the talking Dismissing or demeaning others’ points of view Attending without bringing necessary items to the meeting Withholding opinions during the meeting and talking afterward in the hallway, lounge or parking lot “Checking out” or focusing on unrelated tasks Complaining about the administration or district mandates Leaving the meeting without closure and a plan

12 Guiding Questions What are critical pieces of PLCs? How can we improve our current PLC process?

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