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WIDER – green groWing SMEs: Innovation and Development in the energy sector in mEd aReaTrieste, May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "WIDER – green groWing SMEs: Innovation and Development in the energy sector in mEd aReaTrieste, May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 WIDER – green groWing SMEs: Innovation and Development in the energy sector in mEd aReaTrieste, May 2015

2 Implementation of voucher scheme... Voucher scheme was implemented through activities: SERDA established Assessment board; Establishing of the assessment criteria, which have been developed jointly with partners; Publishing of the open call for SME`s and Knowledge providers to apply in voucher scheme; Submission of application and selection of the projects for WIDER voucher scheme; Signing the contract with voucher scheme winners and Knowledge Providers; Implementation of voucher scheme Final reporting.

3 Assessment board... The Assessment Board was established within the WIDER project. Assessment board is consisting of experts from the Faculty of Architecture, a representative of the older population and SERDAs Program Manager. The Assessment board has evaluated the applications in accordance to the previously created assessment criteria. Dzenana Bijedić, Prof. PhD Erdin Salihović, Prof. Phd Adnan Pašić, Prof. PhD

4 Assessment criteria and Open Call Assessment board together with SERDA prepare open call in accordance to the previously created assessment criteria, which have been developed jointly by the Steering Committee of the project WIDER.

5 Submission and selection of applications During the period of submission of the project proposals, SERDA received 8 project proposals. After selection process, 7 projects was selected for WIDER Innovation voucher scheme. After selection, SERDA sign the trilateral contract with selected companies and Knowledge providers.

6 Implemntation of voucher scheme The LIC was responsible for monitoring and evaluation of the pilot project implementation. After finishing the awarded project, the SME and the KP will provide all necessary reports, validations and explanations on activities provided within WIDER voucher scheme.


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