API Auth By Kyle Bradley. Role Definitions  User (Resource Owner)  The resource owner is the person who is giving access to some portion of their account.

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1 API Auth By Kyle Bradley

2 Role Definitions  User (Resource Owner)  The resource owner is the person who is giving access to some portion of their account.  Server/API (Resource Server)  The resource server is the API server used to access the user's information.  Client (Third-Party Application)  The client is the application that is attempting to get access to the user's account. It needs to get permission from the user before it can do so.

3 oAuth 2.0 Grant Types  Authorization Code  Apps running on web-server  Implicit Grant  Browser-Based  Mobile Apps  Password  Internal Username-Password  Client Credentials  Application Access

4 Authorization Type (Secure Server)  Client Request Auth from Server using Client Id  (User redirected to server to allow access)  Server returns an auth code to client  (User redirected to client)  Client sends to server:  Client Id  Client Secret  Auth Code  Server responds with access token.

5 Implicit Type (Brower, Apps)  Client requests token from server using Client Id  (Redirects user to server to allow access)  Server returns token

6 Password (Internal Username-Password)  (User request’s client username and password)  Client sends to server:  Client Id  Username  Password  Server responds with access token.

7 Client Credentials  (Client stores a client secret)  Client sends to server:  Client Id  Client Secret  Server responds with access token.

8 Two-Legged Auth  Client-Credentials  Implicit Grant  Password

9 Gateway Security  Apps are inherently vulnerable. (Reverse-Engineering)  Modify Current System  Implement “Client”  IsSafe property on client  Safe clients can use AppKey on all calls.  Non-Safe clients require a token to access pathing calls  Allows us to constrain on individual calls.  Overly oAuth (Recommend)  Implement “Client”  Allow Implicit Property (External clients will have to use client credentials)  Use Implicit grant type (Client Credentials on secure)  Client_ID is AppKey  Client Secret (Optional)  Constrain on temporary token (expirt/limited calls)  Token purely used for data analysis and as identifier within Fmw/Tct

10 Overly oAuth Cond.  Defaulted roles per call that can be assigned to clients  Basic (GET Paths call)  Moderate (GET Paths, announcements etc)  Internal (POST Coordinates etc)  Trusted (GET Timetables)

11 Clients  FindMyWay  TransportCapeTown  AppCampus  GauTrain*

12 Sources  oAuth Bible: Overly of oAuth in it’s entirety oAuth Bible:  oAuth Simplified: Different grating types and flow oAuth Simplified:  Apps aren’t secure #1: Own API to own iOS app Apps aren’t secure #1:  Apps aren’t secure #2: Never verify any entity. Only very what they telling you and then assume honesty. Apps aren’t secure #2:  Apps aren’t secure #3: Token system secure in web. App is vulnerable. Apps aren’t secure #3:  Securing OpenApi: Different methods and why use Implicit Grant Securing OpenApi:

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