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Algebra II.  To remember everything in 1 st Semetser!

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1 Algebra II

2  To remember everything in 1 st Semetser!



5 3. -1 + 3(3x + 7) = 32 + 7x -1 + 9x + 21 = 32 + 7x 9x + 20 = 32 + 7x 2x = 12 x = 6





10 9. -88 < 6x + 4(x – 7) -88 < 6x + 4x – 28 -88 < 10x – 28 -60 < 10x -6 < x x > -6

11 10. {(-3, 4), (2, 4), (0, 1)} Domain: -3, 0, 2 Is a function {(-1, 2), (3, -2), (-1, 0)} Domain: -1, 3 Is NOT a function, x = -1 repeats

12 -2

13 12. Standard FormAx + By = C A = positive No Fractions! 4y – x = 3 Multiply everything by -1!! x – 4y = -3


15 x-intercept (y = 0) -3x + 4(0) = 48 -3x = 48 x = -16 (-16, 0) y-intercept (x = 0) -3(0) + 4y = 48 4y = 48 y = 12 (0, 12)

16 = undefined = 0



19 (5)( ) (5) 0 = 6 No Solutions! Parallel Lines!

20 (-2)( ) (-2) 0 = 0 Infinite Solutions! Same Line!

21 3x + 8(3) = 9 3x + 24 = 9 3x = -15 x = -5 15y = 45 y = 3 (-5, 3) One Solution! (2)( ) (2)

22 5(7y + 11) + 4y = - 23 35y + 55 + 4y = - 23 39y = - 78 y = -2 Now plug y = -2 into either equation to solve for x. x – 7(-2) = 11 x + 14 = 11 x = -3 (-3, -2)


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